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Mar 28, 2010 at 3:27 PM
Feb 22, 2009
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I love Esther a lotz. =) I like buttz too. I like
Making out with my self- Getting my funky on.

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Ancient, from I love Esther a lotz. =) I like buttz too. I like

Senior Member
FrankFries was last seen:
Mar 28, 2010
    1. Adelyss
      Dude your such a hypocrite YOUR the one making a fool of yourself. Just look at everyones comments back to you about your spamming. People are sick of you are the one making a fool of yourself and seriously. Learn to argue.
    2. Chron
      Whatever, Just stop putting videos on my profile and making me one of your "subjects" in your stupid experiments that have no outcome.
    3. Chron
      And those certain things were shitty videos that weren't funny?
    4. Chron
      Fair enough but I still don't understand why you chose some people to be your "subjects" and not other people. I still don't understand why you call us your subjects, it's like your some mentally challenged scientist.
    5. What's A Scope?
    6. What's A Scope?
    7. Chron
      If you were testing everyone why haven't you told anyone but me? you never mentioned anything to Adelyss or anyone else, just me.

      Oh and don't "test" anyone again, we're not your subjects nor will we ever will be.
    8. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Man, please do not post anymore videos on my page.
      I am not going to cuss you out as of right now as everyone else did,lol.
      But please stop.
    9. PandaMan
      i can't right now, i have a crapload of hw
    10. Adelyss
      Everyone on your last page besides 1! thinks you need to grow up. so thats 90%, Lacking math much? stfu and gtfo
    11. Lemons Reloaded
      Lemons Reloaded
      omigosh that wur so funniezzzzz! :D
    12. Silva Sniper
    13. Chron
      Testing me for what? To see if people would get pissed at you if you were a douche bag.
    14. C0RRUPTl0N
      Yeah I agree with everyone who writes on your wall.. You are growing more and more annoying with you rude comments and rude attitude toward everyone. We would appreacate it if you could show a little more respect to us, I dont even know what I every did to wrong you, but I have no problem with you if you agree to stop being rude. thanks
    15. Adelyss
      And I wonder fail I'm sorry so gtfo and grow up I'm sick of you.

      And if you think its just me whose annoyed look at all of your messages 90% of the people are sick of you.
    16. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      Excuse me?
    17. Chron
      Seriously man, I can't deal with your smartarse attitude anymore. Your childish, I told you the video wasn't funny so my humor must be lacking because my opinion is different from yours. I bet the only reason your spamming shitty videos on everyone's page is just because your desperate for some attention. Judging from the comments Adelyss made to you it seems I'm not the only one who doesn't like your videos or your attitude.

      Stop spamming your mindless videos on my page and grow up a little.
    18. rusty eagle
    19. Adelyss
      Actually I'm not a hardcore gamer..I play for fun now just stop your embarrassing yourself.
    20. Vapour knuckles
      Vapour knuckles
      that was really gay....
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  • About

    I love Esther a lotz. =) I like buttz too. I like
    Making out with my self- Getting my funky on.
    Why should I be writing about my life if i have none?

    Buttz and Esther


    My rank, is something to be jealous of, Aint it?

    (look below for the reason of my awesomeness)

    WARNING-Mild awesomeness overload highly likely.
    Side-effects may include brain stimulation and slight requisition of liking fries, not eating them.

    [Press the ESC button to see rest of awesomeness...]