Pixie Dust
Last Activity:
Aug 2, 2011 at 2:57 PM
Mar 16, 2009
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Pixie Dust

Ancient, from Texas

Senior Member
Pixie Dust was last seen:
Aug 2, 2011
    1. Yevah
      ok thats fine
    2. Yevah
      yeah thats fine go ahead and send it to me in private chat.
    3. HomieG54
      Hey I was wondering if you get another Competitive map idea if I could possibly have it because I have a huge huge problem with coming up with ideas.

      HomieG54, GT-HomieG54
    4. Yevah
      has it downloaded on your dads comp yet?
    5. Yevah
      ok great i canat wait to see it
    6. Yevah
      did you get any more brain storms?
    7. Yevah
      ok no problem dont worry about how difficult it is, im up for the challange
    8. Limeyy
      ill work on it tomorrow, got home late lol but ill be working on stuff all weekend
    9. Yevah
      ok well im up for the challange, and its on sandbox right?
    10. Yevah
      ok great thank glad u had a brain storm
    11. Yevah
      ok no problem just tell me when you get it, lol i guess it wasnt such a good idea to start a sketchup thread with only one sketchup worker
    12. Pixie Dust
      Pixie Dust
      na dude im kinda stuck with alot of sketchups right now. ill gegt it done as soon as i can.
    13. Yevah
      dude its ok dont stress over, im not russing i was just wondering if youve got anything yet.
    14. Yevah
      hows the sketch up coming?
    15. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      I would like for you to use maybe boxes and mask like and arch way
    16. Pixie Dust
      Pixie Dust
      when you say arch way what object do you suppose i use?
    17. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      On that map I posted on your thread. Well here is what I want.

      ALl of the pictures that I put on there and the side that is floating, I want it to angle outwards toward the bases, like straight out angled. And then I want a snipe tower on each side in the corners . Then I want an arch way coming out of the snipe towers and connecting in th middle. Then I want the middle four structures to connect with stair cases or something and make it like a really kool shape.
    18. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      I'll get around to it.
    19. USNSEABEE555
      Thanks for great feedback from the test, If your up to it I would like to show you the changes I made based on the feedback.
    20. Ladnil
      Yea, you'll get credit, no problem. And the sketchup file will be fine, I have sketchup too, just it runs at 10 fps on my computer even with nothing else running, so I don't use it. I don't really know if I'll even need it though, there's only like 20 items in the screens, not a whole lot of details that I'd need the sketchup file for.

      My gamertag is vodka fountain, and email is telindahl27@gmail.com if you wanna send the sketchup file that way.
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  • About

    Pixie Dustttt
    Im new to forging so please dont judge my masterpieces like a pro. ;) Im currently working on a MLG map in the crypt that alot of people really like and i will soon post the beta up on the forums so I can see what you think about it too. =]

    Forging, competive gaming, football, baseball, and of coure bitching out bungie! =]


    My Maps: Ascending- Remake of halo 2's Ascension ​