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Oct 29, 2009 at 7:36 AM
Apr 23, 2008
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Ancient, from Adelaide, Australia

Senior Member
PureCallum was last seen:
Oct 29, 2009
    1. Micr0Snip3
      Hey man you should sooo make a SandBox designer!
    2. g35cpe
      Love the Foundry designer.
    3. Rated Dirty
      Rated Dirty
      May I asked why you haz respected?
    4. grimfx
      Hey PureCallum-- I found your Foundry Designer by referral from xSwade. I have added a link from my site, you can check it here: grimfx.com Links if you don't approve, let me know and I will pull it down. Also, I would like to host the app on my site as well on its own dedicated page. Please let me know if I can & what credits you require to do so. You can message me here or contact me from my site. Great app BTW.
    5. Insane54
      Gave you a custom title, ask me if you need it changed :)
    6. zzbomb
      Hi, im working on a new website and i wanted to know if i could put your Foundry Designer app on my site. All i need is the swf. Thanks. My site is Knowhalo.com

      Knowhalo.com is a really new site. So im still getting started. It is going to be an overall resource for anything related to halo.
      my e-mail is knowhalo@gmail.com
    7. ALLday*you dUcce
      ALLday*you dUcce
      How Do You Become Respected You ****in Rock On
    8. Ace Of Light
      Ace Of Light
      Hey! I wanted to make a request.
      I get kicked off my Xbox a lot, so I really think the the Foundry Designer is EPIC. Do you think you could make a version of the FD that is downloadable, and has New Map/Save Map/Load Map options? It would help me and others in my situation so much...
      Or is it too much to ask? I just really like the Foundry Designer and I wish I could save and load so I could design bigger projects while I'm not on Xbox.

      Accept or decline, FD is awesome, you did a good job with it. I do think there is one glitch though- whenever I click on a spawn point in the menu my budget resets. Thanks-
      -Ace Of Light
    9. thelastsparten
      PURE CALLUM you designer is helpful ty
    10. Ja Red is Ninja
      Ja Red is Ninja
      it was happening for all of the items. i used the one in your sig/sticky thread
    11. PureCallum
      That used to be a bug but I fixed it. Are you sure you're using the latest version in the stickied post. Also does it happen for all items or just the one item
    12. Ja Red is Ninja
      Ja Red is Ninja
      i am trying to design a map in the designer and when you delete an object it does not go back into the item list/inventory. wtf is goin on?
      wow great job on respected you deserve it
    14. Biggles2
      I liked the Foundry Designer thread, very useful. You deserve that rank.
    15. Nemihara
      Hey, cool, you got respected for your Foundry Designer! Good job.
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    ^ Design Forge maps with my Foundry Designer ^
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