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Feb 27, 2022 at 7:17 PM
Dec 1, 2007
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Senior Member

No u Aug 21, 2019

Insane54 was last seen:
Feb 27, 2022
    1. LoS 54
      LoS 54
      Alright thanks, hope to see you tomorrow.
    2. Lone Deity
      Lone Deity
      I'll get going on it ASAP.
    3. Shanon
      YouTube - Rage Against The Machine - Sleep Now In The Fire
    4. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      WOW, this is pure spam

      The first reply to the map.
    5. Shanon
      The whole thing.
      And I just didn't get it.
    6. Shanon
      They should rename it to Stairway to Disaster
      Here is a better song.
      YouTube - Plain White T's - 1234 - Official Music Video (WATCH IN HQ!)
    7. Shanon
      I watched 2 of them. And didn't like them. And I'm probably not going to play today. I need to study for Physics, CST's are coming up next week. And SAT's in June.
    8. USNSEABEE555
      could you accept my friend request from LaHo GoFeRr please as this is my new GT. I changed it because I wanted a fresh start and do all the achievements again, without using the help of friends...if ya know what i mean. Plus alot of the time in match making people would call me un-see able or UNSC. I guess the Navy Seabees are not that well known about in halo community. It just became annoying after awhile.
    9. Shanon
      vv I smell betrayal in the air lololololololol
    10. Kidbomber
      Kidbomber >> Color dude :O!

      But really sorry i couldn't join you and Xanon yesterday for snipers :(
      I Had alot of other things going on :S
    11. LoS 54
      LoS 54
      Hey Insane,
      I wanted to play in your party this weekend for TGIF but seeing as I wont be able to get onto xbox live until about 5:30 on Friday I was hoping that you could possibly leave a spot open for me. This would be the first one I'm attending, hope to hear from you.
      -LoS 54

      P.S. Oh and my gamer tag is LoS 017 if you do decide to add me. Thanks again.
    12. Shanon
      Those videos are hella long. Now how do you expect me to watch even one?
    13. Asthetik
      Please view my thread. I think it is really important to know and keep in mind The End is Near 12.21.12
    14. STWOW
      Lol clever use of words in your sig...
    15. ScarFac3d
      *Pew* *Pew* *Pew*

      Im Shoosting You!
    16. Pegasi
      Idk, I quite liked Slayer, and I'm an objective man all the way. I think I would have enjoyed Slayer more if I knew the map better, callouts and such, it's always so hard to cover a team when you don't know how to call to your teammates. But I did like how the map wasn't all visible like it kinda is in Amp etc, makes a more spread out map control more important.

      But yeah, I'm semi composing the post already and starting to ramble :P. I'm revising right now (lol at the concept of me revising....*sigh*), so I'll keep thinking on exactly what I want to say and blitz that thread later tonight. Cheers for the games dude, they were fun.
    17. Pegasi
      I'll go with posting on the Pub thread (as long as it wouldn't count as a necro or something?), since I always run into the character limit on VMs. In short, I liked, a lot better for Flag than I had thought because of the spawns in the back base areas of Foundry, meaning it isn't just a case of grab the flag and run across the map without getting hit. But yeah, I'll give more extended thoughts in the Pub thread if it's within the rules etc.
    18. FrankFries
      Hey insane, why cant I have a animated avatar?
    19. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Yeah, I really enjoyed myself, and that's a good sign. Felt very welcomed and it was professionally run. Bed indeed... catch you later dude.
    20. Mace
      can I get my name changed to Mace-kun
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