Mar 18, 2008
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    1. Pegasi
      Could be good I reckon, certainly looks beautiful. I remain hesitant because it looks, in essence, like something I'd build and design. Much more beautiful for sure, but still quite basic and haphazard in design, lacking much in the middle and kinda straight, repetitive around those edge corridors. Idk, I could be wrong, and definitely has some potential for a 1v1. It is perdy though, I'll give it that.

      Anyways, night man. I'm off now.
    2. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Haha... I think I know what teleporter you're talking about. It's still as annoying as ever.
    3. Pegasi
      *sigh*, thanks dude, I hate it sooo much.
    4. Pegasi
      Soz dude, FH is open alongside my revision as a desperate attempt to actually keep me at the computer, and if I get distracted chatting then my revision my fail like it has the past 3 days :(. Later?
    5. Running Chron
      Running Chron
      you can send one now.
    6. Running Chron
      Running Chron
      you and 40 other people, I think it might be better this way. lol....
    7. Pegasi
      Skype fo sho, me waaaay too sleepy for LIVE right now...
    8. Pegasi
      Mock mock mock.

      There :D.
    9. Pegasi
      Lol, Delta Barriers FTW!
    10. Pegasi
      v2 = more Peg friendly barriers!
    11. Pegasi
      Lol, ah for the days when FH was smaller and all maps got a look in. As you know, I've got more than a couple of things to say about it. Glad you got it posted, I shall take a look toot sweet.
    12. Pegasi
      Again, very bad man....
    13. Pegasi
      You, sir, are a very bad man.
    14. Pegasi
      Lol, **** NO. Sarge would never let me forget it, I might as well just try and get '*****' as a GT and be done with it. Darn Sarge.
    15. Pegasi
      Lol, I see what you mean. I got nothing though, sorry, my inspiration has been used up creating my new GT (the one I'm gonna put the next year token on once Pegasi Delta runs out). :(
    16. Pegasi
      Umm, how about 'this is really cool', nice and subtle like, either that or 'up yours AZN' just for the nature of the map :P

      Tbh I quite like Porq, it's got a random and funny sounding quality that seals it for me. But remember, this is coming from the guy who named his last map Clive....
    17. Pegasi
      No! Moar Pegasi! Railings keep me all safe and warm :D
    18. Pegasi
      I'm on now, but yeah I can probably only be on for an hour at the very most, although with it being 11 there I'm sure that'll be fine :P.
    19. Pegasi
      I've got to mow the lawn in a bit, my dad is offering cash and quite frankly I'm too poor to turn him down. But I can get on for a little while definitely. Add Rohyplolz, it's a 1month I'm currently running and since it's on auto-sign in it's just easier.
    20. Pegasi
      Lol, 7 objects away eh? Does sound pretty done whether you like it or not :P. I must admit I've never seen a map that plays Conquest and other gametypes, I'll be interested to see what you've done to make it work.
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