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Sep 29, 2010 at 8:57 PM
Apr 12, 2009
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I iz a lifeguard.

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Senior Member
Jzzkc was last seen:
Sep 29, 2010
    1. SargeantSarcasm
      just thought id let you know, i think what you're doing for the community is awesome.

      Shock, Insane and I have been trying to get the premium members to do something similar and more organized. But everyone is extremely lazy and apathetic.
    2. STWOW
      I believe in you, you can finish your map!!!
    3. Jzzkc
      No problemo.. I must admit that I was a bit groggy when I replied, so I overreacted as well. So, no harm no foul :)
    4. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      OK. Thank you for the imput. Sorry about the hate-mail. But I was in a rather bad mood when I read your original message, and I seem to allow my emotions from one aspect of my life flow into others.
    5. Jzzkc
      Ohs, well I'll fix it, I just read that and thought, that's epic.
    6. The Cheat
      The Cheat
      Have I just been quoted?

      lol, I don't think I said Half Life 2 though....pretty sure it was Far Cry 2.
    7. Jzzkc
      I figured you can see it, on my screen it's 8 inches to the right, nonetheless it's xXJiMbOjAmXx .. send a message, and i'll look over it tonight.
    8. Cerberus Beast
      Cerberus Beast
      Hehe, at most I am only available 3:00 PM EST to 4:00 PM EST on weekdays, so I feel your pain. I may just end up sending you a theater vid of my method, as that is probably easier than showing you in person. Please, though, tell my that thy GT is Jzzkc!
    9. Jzzkc
      Well keep in mind guys that I have a busy schedule, between school, rugby, and swimming, I'm swamped. On most days I have 30 minutes to play games... tops, then I have to go to bed. If you want to shoot me a friend request, go ahead.. just add a little text snippet saying you're from forgehub. I'm usually available on the weekends, so if you do need help with things.. the best time to reach me is friday and saturday. The only reason I've been so randomly active is because I'm nearing the end of my easter break. Anyway, I'll see you guys around.. back to my studies..
    10. Cerberus Beast
      Cerberus Beast
      Hey man, I am glad that other people on this site are actually using mathematics to improve their maps. I have a method for geomerging things in the crypt that allows you to gain maximum space for walking on without compromising gameplay (i.e. allowing grenades to slip between geo-wall and box.) If you shoot me a F.R. sometime, I can show you. Maybe we can even collab? GT: Cerberus Beast
    11. Insane54
      Both of your guides I've seen are epic, really great. I will probably use it myself, along with throwing them in the Useful Links sticky thread.

      u dun a gr8 j0b...keep it up :)
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    I iz a lifeguard.