Null Parameter
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Feb 16, 2018 at 11:13 PM
Jan 23, 2008
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Apr 23, 1986 (Age: 38)
Software Engineer

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Null Parameter


Admin-ing things. Jul 14, 2017

Null Parameter was last seen:
Feb 16, 2018
    1. ScarFac3d
      I have a black name now =) Want to play the demo?
    2. EonsAgo
      Hahaha, "trainee".
    3. SargeantSarcasm
    4. ScarFac3d
      Yo, my dizzle.
    5. Fenian Bhoy
      Fenian Bhoy
      lol i suppose
    6. SargeantSarcasm
    7. Pegasi
      Oh, but they know you, yes they do indeed.
    8. Pegasi
      I'd be careful if I were you, a certain rich southerner has a bounty on your head.
    9. aMoeba
      Yeah :) Hope you had a good one
    10. aMoeba
      Happy birthday! Hope its not too late, 11pm here at PST..
    11. xSharpshooter94
    12. AceOfSpades
      Happy Birthday!
    13. SargeantSarcasm
    14. stickmanmeyhem
    15. Miraj
      Happy Birthday!
    16. Pegasi
      Ye, I tried activating the built in PHP by editing the relevant text file, it's deactivated by default but should be made active by deleting a couple of hash symbols in the Apache config text file, but no joy. I've also tried installing newer versions of PHP as part of packages and via binary and terminal installs, still nothing, I think I may need to find someone who's familiar with OSX Servers and present them with my direct problem. But I've also found a couple of forums that might be able to help, ah the wonder of forums (ironic considering the reason I want to get PHP working, lulz), so here's hoping.

      I had seen Marc's packages, they look to be exactly what I want, but unfortunately he only has versions for Leopard going right now. Cheers though dude, your effort is much appreciated.
    17. Pegasi
      OS X Panther (10.3). Less than desirable, and I'd prefer OS X Server Edition, but shelling out $499 isn't really an option for us. It's more of a labour of love and interest than anything else, and tbh we've got it to a useable stage as a server, PHP and the ability to run a forum on it would just be a nice thing for me to play with. I'm sure there must be a solution somewhere, I've far from exhausted all the options Google has to offer, so I'll keep on with it for now :P Cheers though.
    18. Pegasi
      I keep meaning to ask if the char limit can be upped on VM's :P, or I could just cut down my ranting tendencies I suppose. *sigh*


      I may just take you up on that offer. We're currently working on building a basic html welcome page to start us off, but my aim in this is to put up my own forum etc, more for laughs than anything else since our home bandwidth is laughable. I've played about with SMF before and can feel my way, but getting PHP running on the mac itself is proving a real problem. I've got Apache and MySQL running fine as far as I can tell, but I've done everything I've been told by the various net guides on how to get PHP running so I can install SMF. All logic says it should be working, but nothing....
    19. Pegasi

      I'm currently doing English Literature at uni, enjoying it alot, not least because actual lectures and seminars make up a grand 6 hour week, leaving me plenty of time to have fun in typical uni fashion :P.

      And yeah, I'll bet a lot of people drop their jaw a little. But I'm of the mind that if you've got that special thing, you're damn lucky, whatever age, and passing it up on that basis alone would be something you could regret for the rest of your life. I'm one of those wishy washy literature types who holds that kinda happiness damn high.
    20. Pegasi
      That, my friend, does sound busy, but a life indeed.

      I'm finding more and more tech savvy people as I spend time on teh nets, go figure I guess... But it makes me want to learn more, currently I'm setting up this old Mac G4 me and my dad bought to run as a home web-server, got it up and running as a site when it's on, now just need to shove some luverly web page goodies on there :P I'm gonna have to leave it in my dad's hands when I go back up to uni though, hm...

      And nice, it seems odd for someone at Uni, but I often envy people with families like that, I've always been someone who wanted to have kids, and 4 months is an amazing age (my mum has always worked with young kids as part of the health service, been around them since I was myself a little 'un) although a lot of effort I'll bet.

      Indeed, I'l bet you do. I'm surprised you find enough time to ghost out the fX SB so effectively :P.
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  • About

    Apr 23, 1986 (Age: 38)
    Software Engineer
    Null Parameter

