Star iz Legiit
Last Activity:
May 15, 2009 at 6:06 PM
Jan 5, 2009
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Star iz Legiit

Ancient, from kentucky

Senior Member
Star iz Legiit was last seen:
May 15, 2009
    1. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      WinRAR is free. It says you have to buy it but you really don't.
      If you really need to though download it to your dektop and then right click the file you DLed. It should come up with some optiona and one should be Extract here.
    2. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      Just be patient. He'll get it up to date soon.
    3. SargeantSarcasm
      Hm? I made a general comment about idiots. If you made the connection to yourself then you have some self-deprecation issues to deal with, and you can't hold me responsible for the way your mind works.

      And bad example? eh, chaotic good, I couldn't really give two shits about what example I give off as long as the forum operates as it should and people follow the rules. So, become a mod if you want me to "behave better" otherwise adhere to your little message and leave me the **** alone.
    4. SargeantSarcasm
      idiots do tend to dislike me.
    5. SargeantSarcasm

      A) you were speaking out of your ass about MY reasoning
      B) you had nothing to do with the matter, he did ask for a mod
      C) your own reasoning was flawed

      therefore unnecessary.

      you've gotten on my nerves multiple times, so I suggest you just stay away from me for a while.
    6. BunN eeE
      BunN eeE
      Alright, just hit me up with a message or FR to ethier BunN eeE or Yeah Row.
    7. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Yes!! My capture card is being repaired though....
    8. Psycho
      1. I got one for about $100. It's a Dazzle.
      2. You hook up the capture card directly from the tv to the Xbox to the Computer
      3. You don't need one.
      4. I use my Dazzle often. I have a YouTube channel here: Channel. I really like capturing gameplay when I'm bored, it's really fun. I would recommend it. :)
    9. SargeantSarcasm
      and that is why we have Loyal.

    10. Nitrous
      OK, you can't tell anyone because its a secret. I'm Christian. Remember, mums the word.
    11. stickmanmeyhem
      Okay, It's good that you want to put this behind us and just get on with life. There's just one thing I wanted to clarify. I'm not trying to say that you're a brat or something, I was simply stating that from my point of view it seemed that you were acting immature. And sorry for making it so long... It needed to be put in four separate messages because it was too long to just have one post.
    12. KB
    13. BunN eeE
      BunN eeE
      I can't, cause I suck at it. Although I do know people that run in on their 50s in SWAT all the time. I'll tell them you're trying to get a 50, their some 'nice' people so they should help you. And sorry that I can't play with you, I seriously blow at SWAT, the only playlist I'm good at is MLG.
    14. stickmanmeyhem
      --The next four messages you read will be my reply to what you said--
    15. stickmanmeyhem
      Woah, I approached you maturely and peacefully with this, you decide to point all the fingers at me? Please try to understand that it takes two to fight. Not one, two. I didn't do this on my own. The rough feelings are mutual. In about the first week I was in the guild, you started correcting me and trying to basically shove it in my face that I was a brand new recruit. The result of this was me not having the best of relations with you and I mainly avoided you. I did this for the good of both of us. Okay. I'm sorry if it came off this way, but in reality I was just trying to voice my opinion. I usually treat things as if they're a business/organization. I voice my opinion very clearly and I think about everything before I post it.
    16. stickmanmeyhem
      I didn't want to bring this up while we were both still volatile after the fight, but I'm thinking that I should have because right after we resolved the fight was the only time I think we possibly considered each others friends. Anyway the point I'm trying to get across is that you took what I said way too far. I was simply saying that the idea of an off-topic thread in the TG seemed far off if not impossible. And the way you described it was awkward. It was hard to understand what you were trying to describe. The thing I don't think you get is that I try and act mature most of the time. I don't just sit there and joke around all day. I do enjoy jokes from time to time, but life isn't all laid back.When I post, I just make things blunt and clear, not easy to misinterpret.
    17. stickmanmeyhem
      You seem to think that anyone who posts like this automatically thinks they're higher than you and you feel that you're being belittled. I'm sure that most people, including me, don't mean to make you feel this way. Back to the topic of "me pretending im staff". I'm not. Period. In fact, during the fight, you seemed to be doing this more than me. And in the TG Sig thread, I was right when I was saying what you people were spamming the thread. What you were doing was carrying on a question that had already been answered.
    18. stickmanmeyhem
      If you do that, it's spam. When I posted in the forum saying it was spam, I wasn't acting like staff, I was simply stating the truth. I'm not trying to look like I'm a higher power than you, I'm just simply trying my best to help keep the spam down in the forums. You've been trying to do the same. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but right now it looks like you're being the more immature one because you're trying do dump all the blame for bad feeilings on everyone else, and leaving yourself with a clean slate. I, on the other hand, am trying to show you that we are both to blame and if we're going to work this out, we both need to do something. Not just one of us.
    19. stickmanmeyhem
      Okay, I feel as if ever since I joined the guild, there has been a little bit of harsh feelings between us. I feel that it was just building up until our fight about a week ago and then they just exploded causing us to lash out at each other over a simple disagreement. I want to work things out because I want to consider everyone in the guild as my friend, but because of the unexplainable harsh feelings we have against each other this is almost impossible. I personally don't have anything against you, it's just that somehow we seem to start being rough on each other. I really want to get to the bottom of this so our childish quarrels will come to an end.
    20. CHUCK's Sister
      CHUCK's Sister
      i dunno

      i suck at it though
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  • About

    none,only in high school
    Star iz Legiit
    Hey,I love to play play all sports and do just about anything that concerns the outdoors,I also love to play Halo 3,so if you want to play with me or against me,i'm here,so just message me

    basketball,baseball,football,fishing,hunting,playing halo,riding motocross

