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Apr 9, 1992 (Age: 32)

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Ancient, from Jersey

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iRaynne was last seen:
Jul 25, 2013
    1. Pegasi
      Sounds good dude, and good luck with your own exams, I guess it's just that difficult time of year, but soon it'll be time to kick back and get some serious shootin' done :).

      That sounds like a plan to me, thanks for being cool about this and taking the time to help me get in on it, things like a seal are a nice touch as well, they always help to give that nice touch to a review and cap it off visually. I'll let you know now that my take on maps is generally very geometry focused. I'm still working on my understanding of the game mechanic systems, mainly spawning that actually works (hopefully this map I'm designing currently will spur me into learning how to do stuff like spawns properly and well and actually have a hope of making a map that plays good, it's an MLG map of course :P).

      Cheers again dude.
    2. Pegasi
      Nice one dude, sounds great to me. I also have new hope on the NAT front, even though what you say is true. We just switched broadband and got a new router, gonna try it instead of our current BT crap-in-a-white-box and see if I can open up this 'ere NAT setting.

      Either way, sounds like something I'd definitely be up for. I'll subscribe to the thread now so I can see if anything comes up, will be fun to get this started. I warn you, I'm going back to Uni a week from today and from then until the 13th I'll have exams and be pretty busy. After that my loooong as summer holiday starts though, so plenty of time for Halo :).
    3. Pegasi
      Lol, to be truthful I was about to say the same. It's nearing 4am here :P. So yeah, catch you soon dude.
    4. Pegasi
      A 1v1 sounds good, I don't hold out much hope of winning but it'll be a fun and educational experience all the same. Even when I'm on, I function much better in a team than I do on my own, I just find it so much more reassuring to fit into a solid 4 than to have to fend for myself, something else I need to work on.

      Lol, I don't know about Halo prodigy, but you seem to know your stuff and have dual 50's to show for it. I've been stuck at 44 for ages. I'm still 44 in dubs and a couple of games up last time I played, I'm reasonably sure that if I go in and win my next one or two games I'll finally grab that birdie. But me and Stef (my ol' dubs partner who's defected from his Halo ways in favour of GoW2) aren't the double team we used to be, so I'm always hesitant to go back into dubs and possibly lose, knocking me back down to 43 and taking my confidence with it.
    5. Pegasi
      Lol, on occasion, but very occasionally at that :P Still feels good though, you're right.

      It is annoying losing I'll admit, but I always try to bear it in mind that I can always work to get better, and can't really complain till I get a team of 4 together and try to go into the playlist with an actual party more often. Speaking of, when I'm back up and Norwich with my luverly open NAT setting, we should finally party up and get some MM in. I gather that you're not too shabby at the ol' Halo, so I'd be interested in hearing what you think of my play, and any tips on improving in any respect. I'm seriously keen to get better, and whilst my BR is incredibly inconsistent from day to day, I'd like to think that when I'm on I'm pretty decent.
    6. Pegasi
      You know the score, I hate character limits *shakes fist at sky*


      Oh I know, but as DoTTi says there will always be butthurt people who get thrashed in MLG and come to the conclusion that skill isn't involved, despite the fact that they got trashed indicating the direct opposite. Now I get thrashed in MLG all the time, but at least I don't whine about it ;P, just makes me want to get better.
    7. Pegasi
      Pt. II...
      Speaking of, I managed to win an MLG Hill game on Construct the other day by 1 damn second. I'd got my team the lead by slaying for most of the game, keeping the guys off the hill so my team could get time. But as soon as we got past 230 seconds my teammates seemed to become suddenly terrified at the concept of going in the hill, even when me and this other dude managed to take all 4 down on the other team. It came down to 240 for us and 249 for our opponents as they managed to claw back. The enemy were in the hill and these two dudes on my team were sitting up on open side trying to badly carbine the single one shot guy in the hill. I somehow managed to fight my way through 2 guys at top sword, drop down and grab the last 10 seconds. It felt good, but I still marvel at some guys I get paired with in that playlist. I suppose the lesson is to get up levels :P.
    8. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Congrats on the member rank, good job man
    9. Playerhata27
      Lol yeah it was the wrong guy. Sorry, I got mixed up.
    10. Playerhata27
      I apologize for you feeling this way. The reason I left that test for I was invited for another one that I signed up for, and promised I'd attend. I understand that is a bit bias, but he needed help. I don't recall being rude to you, but rather trying to send you a friend request. I have high respect for you and have even suggested giving you numerous stars. I hope we can resolve this.
    11. Pegasi
      As far as finally being able to get some games together, when I'm back up at Uni in a couple of weeks I have an open NAT so it shouldn't be a problem, just suffering my sucky home connection right now.

      I see your point about NYC, it would seem an obvious choice. I wonder what the more secret considerations such as price of venue etc are, I'll bet there's a solid reasoning behind the choice, even if it's not a very nice one :P

      And yeah, when I installed OctoShape and saw that I smiled, wear it like a badge fo sho :P.
    12. Pegasi
      Lol, indeed. One day I'll summon up the money and get to an event, hopefully that should yield more luck in terms of getting some LAN play in, even if it is FFA. Did you hear that the third event for the '09 season has been announced? Back to Dallas it seems.
    13. Pegasi
      Wow dude, sounds sweet, the pain is so worth it isn't it? :P

      I know what you mean about the benefits as well. The closest I ever really get is customs on one xbox with a couple of friends of differing skill levels, not really a patch on a proper 4v4 LAN. I too wish I could join in on some fun, tbh I think I could probably get half way by chaining all the ethernet cables in my room together, seriously you should see my floor right now, it's a tangle of wires like you wouldn't believe lol.
    14. Pegasi
      *wipes brow*
    15. Pegasi
      Dang dude, I completely missed your birthday, really need to check the calendar and bottom of the main page more often :P. Sorry bout that dude, but I wish you a belated Happy Birthday, hope you enjoyed it.
    16. AceOfSpades
    17. Nightfire
      Happy Birthday
    18. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      Happy Birthday!
    19. RaBBiiTTT
      Happy Birthday!
    20. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Happpy birthday
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  • About

    Apr 9, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Football, Soccer, Gaming, Partying, Chicks



    Never 4get