An UrgeTo Dance
Last Activity:
Jan 10, 2012 at 10:14 PM
Mar 24, 2009
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An UrgeTo Dance

Ancient, from Earth, I'm pretty sure

Senior Member
An UrgeTo Dance was last seen:
Jan 10, 2012
    1. RedNeck
      I seem to do that a lot. thanks! :)
    2. RedNeck
    3. RedNeck
      I will be sure to do so. I just added a new section (Specifics of merging into Dunes) and I am uploading a picture for that section right now
    4. Gunnergrunt
      Sorry man, don't have that map anymore... =(
    5. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      Spawn time has no effect, except on, well, the spawn time. 150 spawn time is just so you can tell the difference between original and normal.

      When you set a original object to 'no', i find when you start a new round, the object is still there but acts like a normal object would, set not to spawn, in the first round of forge. You can see it but you cant grab or press X on it.

      Around thirty seconds in the object disappears, this is something that i find strange. It disappears and than spawns according to it's spawn time. Say 180, it would spawn, disappear at about thirty seconds(very unconsistant), than spawn again at 180 seconds.

      I don't know alot about this occurance, i don't think many people do, very stange things have happened to me, once a random box disapeared when i set a original object no to spawn and would only spawn at the start of a new game. It's weird, annoying, and takes a while to get used to, but can be the barrier between a good or a great map.
    6. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      Treat the 150 as it would if it were 30, its just to indicate. The only difference with the original objects is they don't count to the OLN (so don't delete them until your done) and when you set them not to spawn, they spawn anyway and dont let you grab them, then disapear, then re-apear acording to their spawn time. Its weird. Don't set them not to spawn.
    7. allbroken2U
      Yep i know april 9th = HAPPY
    8. Spartan117nab
      yes i am SUPER CABOOSE!!
    9. allbroken2U
      I don't have sandbox....but i have planned out a map on sandbox i don't really want to release details about it because someone might steel it
    10. allbroken2U
      Hello if you need help forging then ask i like the layout of fallout i see lot's of good solid gameplay maps coming out of you so kepp forging
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