thats a link to a thread with a description, picks and dl =] it's for 1v1 or 2v2 I'll try to get my parents to let me get on.
Well I can, but my parents have been owning the tv lately. So I don't know when or when not I will be able to get on
Hey I was wondering if you had a friend or two that would wanna test out my map and give me a review? I don't have time to play with anybody =/
I know I did the same thing... And I admit it was out of shear emotion. He attacked me so I threw as low of a blow back... The only thing I find irritating is that He still hasn't tried to end it... I have but he just keeps on going. I'm not trying to say that he should be in trouble, but im saying that his volatile behavior tonight affected all the people that were online. And, I'm sure that tomorrow morning when everyone else sees this, we're either in for a hell of a talking to or a red star each. I hope it doesn't go as far as red stars, but I know everyones gonna be PISSED
thought so XD Really just saying think about what your posting. It May be for the good or for the bad and if you still dont get it they respond '1-800-TGSTAFF'
Hey, in reply to your post in the discussion thread, in all fairness, he attacked me first. I just retailiated...