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Feb 14, 2010 at 10:26 PM
Apr 19, 2008
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Senior Member
rewib65 was last seen:
Feb 14, 2010
    1. Orange
      no, i meant a forge overview, not paint. and that one is imposible to understand
    2. CaMOfo
      Let me first start off asking how you go the thread messed up? I mean do you read a thread and get off of it, come back in like five minutes and post on it? You read the thread then you post, don't overdue yourself, you obviously can't handle it.

      Well on doing your mistake you should have read the thread and posted a senceble comment about the map. And you are the moron if you actually believe moderators go around looking at every thread. Members of the site report the post and it makes a thread in the hubpub, there the moderators will judge it and deal with it.

      And you didn't get in trouble because the old members here are sick off the spam and stick to offtopic and the new members are spanmers like you. Stop talking to me, you were wrong, get over it.
    3. CaMOfo
      It shouldn't be up to the moderator to keep the idiocy to a moderate low. Your post is spam, you said the map looks decent and you would've interlocked more. You can put that on any map thread.

      Your post should consist of points on the forgets technique or how they can improve the map.
    4. CaMOfo
      The followinf post you posted is considered spam and the community would appreciate it if there was less of it on our adoring forum.

      "i apologize for my post, i was thinking i was looking at a different thread, whoops, my bad. anyways the map looks decent, i wouldve interlocked more, but only because of aesthetics."
    5. Fenix Hulk
      Fenix Hulk
      If you liked my map "Prometheus," then you're going to love Gatekeeper. It has been reworked from it's original design of Promtheus and has undergone many changes. See it for yourself...

      Gatekeeper v1.1
    6. sebby625
      hey how do you put your stats and your medals whenever you post something???
    7. Monty7766
      Hey can you help me with interlocking
    8. ManRayX
      Hey rewib65 check out your predator map in my new post Hail Mary in competitive maps. I used as part of the storyline of my post.

    9. SoLo92
      well its better than my friends asking me if i eat animal crackers, all the time.
    10. SoLo92
      nice avatar, im a vegitarian! >:~(
    11. JessicaJones
      no. They were already made, and I decided to post them. Some of them my friend made.
    12. thesilencebroken
      you and me both man.
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