Star iz Legiit
Last Activity:
May 15, 2009 at 6:06 PM
Jan 5, 2009
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Star iz Legiit

Ancient, from kentucky

Senior Member
Star iz Legiit was last seen:
May 15, 2009
    1. Running Chron
      Running Chron
      I deleted the one you reported, thats it.
    2. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Everybody that looks at my page that is in the testers guild listen,

      We are having a new Calling All Testers and we need more members, so if you are interested, go to this thread
    3. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Ok, sorry to anybody in the guild I offended, soryy
    4. Transactionzero
      Stop questioning things pertaining to other people. IE why do these people get stars? Why is stick a bystander. Enough. No more. Fin
    5. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      Well I am just telling you what you should to help the betterment of the guild. I never said you do not want to help out the guild, but you are going about it the wrong way.
    6. stickmanmeyhem
      Okay, thanks for helping me end it. As my mom used to say, It takes 1 Person to start a fight, but it takes 2 to finish it. Anyways, its over. Thats it. Gone, done, kaplewy.
    7. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      Be happy your fellow members have been ranked up. Let your idea and the resulting argument die.
    8. stickmanmeyhem
      I never said you had a bad rep. I know you put a lot of effort into the guild and I know you wish that you could help a lot more than you already are. You are probably the most helpful of the junior members out there. I was never insulting you, you just took things out of hand. BTW, dispite the fact that I'm disobeying KB, doesn't mean I'll lose anything. He contols what happens in the guild forums, not on our profiles. I could keep this discussion up all night and not get in trouble. And, if I do, I'll win in favor of the guild masters and most of the staff in saying that this was personal and did not relate to the guild. You started of insulting and belittling me, so I retaliated. I've been trying to end this since my first post on your profile. Please take this opportuinity to show that you're a mature person who can end a fight quickly and before it gets out of hand.
    9. Kidbomber
      Relaxed Both of you. Just leave it and dont reply. Get on with your time on FH.
    10. stickmanmeyhem
      Okay, I wasn't saying you did anything bad to the guild. I was saying that if you get a good rep with the higher powers, you'll succeed. If you get a bad rep, the only stars you'll be seeing beside your name will be red.
    11. Kidbomber
      I gave Playahata 2 stars because he's been in the guild for longer then you think and i thought with the work he re-put into the guild i gave his 2 stars. However It seems because of all the work (As in tests and feedback) The Other Staff/Leader saw him to get more stars and get promoted. I Understand your frustration to the situation with the Ranks, becuase i to had problems with ranking up in the guild.
    12. stickmanmeyhem
      Okay, Don't give me the "He said do this" thing. I was typing the message when he posted, so I didn't see his post until mine was up. And, you were spamming by telling me to not spam. Frankly, until you posted that message and Personally insulted me on my own profile, I had nothing against you. But, since you were too arrogant to think about the consequences of your actions, I now am completely benevolent about you. I don't care about anything you do. I don't consider you a friend, rather an acquaintance.
    13. Kidbomber
      I was going to quote you and answer that on the OP but to many people were posting. But its not really needed. I know its hard, becuase of not being on xbl. For example me, i never get on xbl anymore, but im lurking the forums alot more. So yeah just contribute and dont get it trouble ;D
    14. stickmanmeyhem
      Well, my opinion is an exact reflection of Whats A Scope? and he's the lenient one of them. In other words im just saying that its UNLIKELY it'll happen, not impossible.
    15. stickmanmeyhem
      WoahWoahWoah... Okay, its called a DISCUSSION thread for a reason, It's there is to ask questions and have EVERYONE voice their opinon. Plus, don't use that attitude on me. YOU'RE NOT GUILD STAFF! CALM DOWN! You may be a higher rank than me, but if you're not staff or a guild master, f*** off.
    16. Linubidix
      About a week ago.
    17. FrankFries
      Heyz look at diz:Forums - View Profile: Forgebattle sux
      1 easy step on how to piss off forgebattle...
    18. M.Jelleh
    19. Frag Man
    20. FrankFries
      'i seen that you sent somebody something that said you worked 800 hours on one map, is that even possible?"

      WTF? You 800 hours on a map?
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  • About

    none,only in high school
    Star iz Legiit
    Hey,I love to play play all sports and do just about anything that concerns the outdoors,I also love to play Halo 3,so if you want to play with me or against me,i'm here,so just message me

    basketball,baseball,football,fishing,hunting,playing halo,riding motocross

