Cosmic Rick
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Jan 19, 2016 at 10:48 PM
Jan 2, 2008
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Apr 11, 1986 (Age: 38)
Golden, CO
Lab Monkey

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Cosmic Rick

Ancient, from Golden, CO

Senior Member
Cosmic Rick was last seen:
Jan 19, 2016
    1. AceOfSpades
      Congrats on Utah Mambo on the front page of Bungie. It is definitely one of the first good custom-made maps that Bungie has featured.
    2. Conkerkid11
      Congrats on the interview with Bungie, the front page feature, and the Utah Mambo feature! It is the most well deserved feature I have seen on Sandbox yet, and that includes the last two featured maps!

      I loved the map, and I recently did a forge through on it. I could not imagine how hard it was to geomerge those wood planks, and the Tunnel Y-Intersection. I still can't figure out how to geomerge those tunnels.. I tried the old school method, and it didn't work. Goemerging fail on my part.. XD
    3. ZeroXFallen
      Sorry if it came off as a jerkish comment. But, i've always geomerged using doors. How would i go about geomerging on Sandbox? Also, nice feature by Bungie.
    4. M.Jelleh
      yup i just saw it 2
      gratz on the feature
    5. Awkward Silence
      Awkward Silence
      I know I don't know you, but I just saw the Bungie Weekly Update and I thought I'd say congrats for the interview about Utah Mambo.
    6. M.Jelleh
      Well, general things like resizing are much easier... and I prefer all of the keys and stuff. Beyond that, I forget everything that GIMP has, but photoshop has layer styles, tons of filters, lots of tools, better set up, and a lot of handy advanced options that help with not so much sigs but graphics in general.
    7. M.Jelleh
      Yeah, I like experimenting... and with photoshop you can do more stuff.
    8. arrrghSAM
      I see you trying to attack the G&A forum with your grungy sig!
      Y'know yesterday you told me to do a grungy large piece? I'm working on that at the moment ;)
    9. LIGHTSOUT225
      though the text is pretty tight to the sides. it might be better with some air space around em'.. maybe
    10. LIGHTSOUT225
      you definitely nailed what you were goin for, and i rather like the text how it is. its pretty hard to tell what the background is, but thats kinda the point, i suppose. i like the dirty feel though. definitely stands out
    11. LIGHTSOUT225
      lol @ awesome screen
    12. M.Jelleh
      Ya I know, I don't like that either. I never use renders if I can't help it. I much prefer stocks because they look ten times better and you don't have to worry about blending the vocal so much.

      EDIT: I guess you are referring to the standard Frag Man, Mace, Eguitarplayer style. lol
    13. Mace
    14. Mace
      i'll look fo' sum tomoreh
    15. Mace
      if your going for that grungy look, I would check out the smudge and burn tools. with teh odly shaped brushes XD.
    16. Mace
      making a move on teh GNA forum. XD
      If you need any help/tutoring, i have a semi basic style and can teach you some basics. skype is exteemkablooie, msn is
    17. Mace
      i c wat ur doin.
    18. RackemWillie77
      Hey i have a question. When sizing the file of a sig, how do you get it to work so it can be its normal size? cuz when i upload one that i make, it always makes it smaller and fuzzy

      help is appreciated
    19. Unit 174
      Unit 174
      Feliz cumplanos (happy Birthday)
    20. The Violence Within
      The Violence Within
      Dude i know this is a bit late but grats on Utah Mambo, i played it with INFECTION and it was still the most awesome map ever!
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  • About

    Apr 11, 1986 (Age: 38)
    Golden, CO
    Lab Monkey
    Cosmic Rick
    Skiing, Rich Girls
