"Did you seriously think you'd get a sig that looked decent when the stock was so hard to work with?" LOLOLOL And no, you're not Jesus xD
Don't be sad faiiiccccc! I'm about to watch that new movie with Seth Rogen where he's a security guard, I forget what it's called though.
Of course I'm up, although it's not late for you because you're one whole minute ahead of/behind me! I can't be bothered to get on msn, I'm probably gonna watch a movie of some sort and then go to bed, I need an early night. I'm sorry babeh, i love you really! <3
no i just have no idea who you are, i have no problem with acception your friend request. i just havent seen you around is all
hey, you sent me a friend request and i really have no idea who you are, might you tell me abit about yourself so i dont have to deny it?
Hahaha, it's true, I only love you slightly! I am in bed, Clare's on her Macbook and I'm here on my Macbook Pro xD
Yeah I know, it was a fairly boring day to be honest. I less than three you too James...but only a little! xD