Fenian Bhoy
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Mar 15, 2013 at 4:24 PM
Nov 26, 2008
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Fenian Bhoy

Ancient, from Scotland

Senior Member
Fenian Bhoy was last seen:
Mar 15, 2013
    1. Pegasi
      Yeah, I love a good bit of DBZ to be sure, I watched it all the way through not that long ago, Buu Saga is epic win. I'm gonna get off for a bit, hope to see you around either here or on FH dude.
    2. Pegasi
      I know dude, I know, I honestly didn't take any offense from your comments, nor did I think it was even a consideration when you were posting it. It just irks me when these guys get their way, when they parade around the name of a community (be it FH or xF) based on nothing in the actual core of said community, but just as a name under which to carry out their own annoying ways and have justification in it.

      But yeah, thanks for bearing with my rants on this :P.
    3. Pegasi
      They're not 'our assholes', they're assholes, I can't make that point enough, labeling them as belonging to one site or another only gives them what they want, the ability to provoke trouble which wouldn't come up without their attitudes, which once again do NOT represent FH just because they happen to be registered here. We have enough trouble with guys like that here, without xF even entering the equation, and allowing them the label of representing FH (when in fact they only represent themselves) only helps them and damages both communities. Just saying, see them for what they are, not just for where they registered first.
    4. Pegasi
      Oh right, I think we've chatted in the xF shoutbox before (with Null trolling as per usual :P). Tbh some members here can be obnoxious, but we've got over 30,000 members, all of them being nice wouldn't even be a miracle, just downright impossible. I can appreciate how it must get frustrating, but tbh I've seen my fair share of stuff the other way round, assertions made that anyone who calls FH home is, by default, an asshole, and that FH is out to get xF. Just bear in mind that there are always going to be idiots on any site, and letting them form your opinion of those who actually run, maintain and care about the site is never a good idea, and only helps divide two communities and give the idiots their way.
    5. Pegasi
      I am indeed, I don't visit too often to be honest, but xF is another Forging community, and one with which FH holds and undeniable relationship of fact (albeit sometimes a problematic relationship), so it makes sense for me to be over there. But I won't pretend this was my motivation in joining, it's more a personal thing of just liking to join other sites for myself, to be able to drop in and see what's going on.

      Are you an xF regular then?
    6. Pegasi
      Hiya, how are you?
    7. Tartan Spartan
      Tartan Spartan
      aww brilliant man its hard to find another scottish person on this site n even harder to find a celtic fan brill mate al send you a FR on XBL and this
    8. noklu
      no problem mate
    9. noklu
      Dude your sig is too big. You need to have a signature that is less than ten lines long.
    10. Null Parameter
    11. overthehodge
    12. overthehodge
      suck it.
      im a united supporter anyway!
    13. Blue Pariot
      Blue Pariot
      ehh... not much of a map maker... more of the photographer
    14. KB
      y r u so fended wen pepl cul u a nub?
    15. Blue Pariot
      Blue Pariot
      It was supposed to be funny
    16. BunN eeE
      BunN eeE
      "who the **** R U CALLING A NUB
      american wanker"

      Honestly, your a Colonel Grade 2. No one can expect you to be good...
    17. Blue Pariot
      Blue Pariot
      Episode LOL
      This is what it would be like if I met you
      BTW, your the white guy in the diaper.
    18. Fenian Bhoy
    19. oDannyKellyo
      I just htought i would like to be your first visitor message... see ya
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