Dec 2, 2007
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Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf

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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. Fbu
      "Just because a point is talking about utopian ideals, does not mean it is invalid due to the fact that perfection is impossible to attain. this is not a debate, this is a discussion, as Peg said earlier, stop degrading yourselves by claiming superiority when it is not a battle of wits. You can't win a conversation."

      Good post
    2. QKT
      your warning thread fails

      before you retort
      realise that it does, actually, fail.
    3. Pegasi
      Seriously dude, watch it if you can. It's a ***** to find on the net, there were only ever 6 episodes and they are hard to track down at that, but if you can then you should really check it out. It's quite inconsistent, and some of the comedy really misses the mark imo, but at it's best it's true comic brilliance, comedy done in a way which I've never really seen before, and a true gem just for the high points. In it's own way, nothing can touch it. But bear in mind that laaarge amounts of it is subtle and in depth satire of British culture and politics specifically, as well as it's form in itself being a satire of a common trend in Brit TV at the time it was made (like 4 years ago I think), so yeah.
    4. Tex
      Whatever became of that thread I created (which was moved from the Pub to Staff) asking something like "Why is Insane still admin?"

      I am waiting for some sort of reply, that was over a week ago now...
    5. Pegasi
      Awesome with the obscure reference, do it fo sho.

      Something just struck me as well, you're a connoisseur of Brit TV, have you ever seen Time Trumpet, the comedy show?
    6. Pegasi
      That sounds promising, is this decent paid hosting then?

      Name is indeed always a problem, what were you guys thinking of as an approach/hook for the site?
    7. Pegasi
      Fair play, point taken about Null, lol.

      Yeah, in the end I agree, the pay is never going to be massive, so either way the reason to do it is a bit of fun, I think I'l follow that.
    8. Pegasi
      Oh, and Null is dead right, I really don't see why we don't implement that own thread rating thing.
    9. Pegasi
      Any idea what they judge quality on? I'd assume it's at least partly based on the general interest factor of what you right about, dunno if I could get that high in that sense. But still looks fun and a small reward in any case.
    10. Null Parameter
      Null Parameter
      I see how it is........
    11. Pegasi
      Looks quite cool, didn't know there were things like that. Dunno if I'd ever sit down and write something specifically for it, but I'll bet there'll be something I write at some point that I think could well go up there. Cheers for the heads up.
    12. Pegasi
      Lol, I was still having fun tbh, sorry if that didn't come off dude, honestly there. My point was that, as sad is subjective, it's never actually the case, so responding to 'I think you're sad' with 'no I'm not' is senseless. Tbh I was keeping on because I do enjoy arguing, and with someone who's up for it, arguing with you is specifically fun, no one else really holds up properly in even close to the same way :P.

      But yeah, I think it's run it's course. Now I'll admit now I clicked to reply before actually clicking the link lol, expect a response in a few seconds.
    13. Pegasi
      That's rather my point, that I think it is sad, a subjective perspective but what else can you have? My recreational drug habit could be seen as sad, but it seems odd for you to bring it up as an example seeing as you too have expressed interest in some substances, albeit not the same one I generally use. Everything can be seen as sad by someone, this doesn't devalue anyone's perception of something as sad, especially if I try to reason it and you respond by providing apt but rather irrelevant examples with no reasoning.

      Whatever, sport at the cost of others is a little sad imo, however you choose to see it, you'd be pushed to change my mind on that, much as you can call me self-deprecating and so on, taking joy in tricking others may fuel you, but I'm quite happy the way I am.
    14. Pegasi
      I spoke of your intention, not the result.

      I just think a line should be drawn, take chances when they are there, but whilst it's your choice how you spend your time, laying such traps and so on, I'll say that I wouldn't. It's broadly the same principle as walking around looking for fights on the basis of 'Is it cos I is black?', not as bigoted, but still pretty futile in any other terms than sad, mundane enjoyment.
    15. mastersync23
    16. Pegasi
      The fact that I care more about a laugh than what you think is sad, you're right, wow, I got owned.

      I love to argue indeed, but laying traps around in the small hope of nagging an unwitting victim is as much sport as trapping mice for a hobby. Go you.
    17. Pegasi
      Ok, maybe too much time wasn't the right term. Perhaps incredibly sad would have been better placed. Whatever brings you joy my man.
    18. M.Jelleh
      Ya i figured. I lost a lot of respect for Ice in that thread.
    19. Pegasi
      If you really did that on purpose on the offchance someone would rise to it, then you have too much time on your hands. Congratulations either way.
    20. M.Jelleh
      Thanks for locking this. Flamers be pissing me off.
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    Los Angeles
    Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf
    Watching tons of movies, writing, listening to R&B/Motown/Classic Rock


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    12:01 am PacMonster1: Thought this was going to be one of those never ending conversations where you act all haughty and ****