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Dec 6, 2007
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Le Mar du Teet

Senior Member
Titmar was last seen:
Jan 31, 2023
    1. squidhands
      Those were cool. I'm all about minimalism as it is, so they'll work pretty well. I put the Rockets on top of them.
    2. squidhands
      sounds good, I'll forge a version on the one you sent me and make a copy.
    3. squidhands
      I've been messing around with ideas and I might have come up with something to replace the quad-ramp-column structure.

      It can be tweaked, but I liked the idea of using those large corners as a platform at least. Thoughts?
    4. Waylander
      Ok man, finally had a look and that looks great. So as soon as you get the other base done let me know through mastar. He has my cell # so can text me.
    5. squidhands
      I agree. I've been trying to think of something and am pretty stuck. I'm just hoping I come across a cool map that I can steal ideas from, lol.
    6. Roche178
      Happy birthday man.
    7. squidhands
      Happy Birthday, you old fart. Don't throw out your hip when you get all liquored up.
    8. LIGHTSOUT225
      chill. pound one for me. happy birthday
    9. LIGHTSOUT225
      if its your bday, wtf are you doing here?
    10. Waylander
      lol need the second base done so I can build off both sides at the same time. helps me keep things the same on both sides. I'll have a look at what you've got tonight though and will let you know.
    11. Waylander
      Hey man, I'll be on again tomorrow night. this time on XBox Live so if you've got the map ready to hand off send it to me as a recommendation if you're not on.
    12. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      What you say confuses me...
    13. squidhands
      I saw that too. Wasn't me, so maybe someone's just taking an interest. There's far too much unique **** going on in that middle structure to be ripped off and be able to get away with it.
    14. squidhands
      Got it. I'll start messing with it today.
    15. squidhands
      I actually starting thinking about making a sort of inverse copy of the Attackers base, but didn't want to run all over what you did. I'll mess with it more today when I get home.
    16. squidhands
      Sounds good, I'll probably be on around then.
    17. squidhands
      I started making something over there before my dog started eating my shoes (****ing puppies), and I finished it on my own later. It' pretty cool-looking and kind of goes with the rest of the map. I'll show you later on.
    18. Mastar
      Yo fool. Waylander wants me to ask you how far you have gotten with the conquest map you and him are working on.
    19. Waylander
      Well, if you can give me a rough date as to when you'll be done with the bases, I can go to my brothers place to borrow his internet. Then head back over to hand it back once I've done my bit.
    20. Waylander