Dec 2, 2007
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Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf

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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. Pegasi
      Sure Sarge, count that one as a save if it makes you happier.
    2. ScarFac3d
      If you wish.
    3. ScarFac3d
      Sorry, but it was lolworthy. I will create you an actual vid if you would like though.
    4. ScarFac3d
      YouTube - A Tribute To SargeantSarcasm

      I made you a video. =)
    5. Security
    6. Security
      ya whatever I'll keep my old one Thanks
    7. Security
      I actually don't know if it will work, but whatever, Here.
    8. Security
      Btw, I want to make a .gif as my avatar, can you help?
    9. Null Parameter
      Null Parameter

      Psssh, I offer some help and not even one response in 6 hours..... :P
    10. Null Parameter
      Null Parameter
      I can haz unban now?
    11. Linubidix
      kk, see ya.

      I'm glad I'm on holidays right now.
    12. Linubidix
      It's pretty good. Not my favourite film but I enjoyed watching it.
    13. Linubidix

      I just finished watching Rescue Dawn.
    14. Linubidix
      GAH, I just got my parents to watch it. My mum really didn't like it.
      Grrr, it's a great movie!
    15. Pegasi
      Score! Fit it in one VM. Shazam mo fo!

      So yeah...night.
    16. Pegasi
      I definitely think it's a good move, even if it is a band aid as Creep says, implementing it whilst discussion continues and is hopefully resolved is not a bad thing by any means.

      I wish it wouldn't come down to something is illogical as whether people are happy with it or not, but the only position I can advocate apart from that is getting rid of it without question.

      Neways, I've broken my good cycle and done another all nighter, I must sleep before it goes to far. You can generally tell when I need to sleep by how much I get into these arguments, and also how snide my comments are :P. The more cheeky I get, the more I should probably sleep, I like being like this more lol, just a pity it only seems to come as a result of staying up too much, thus entails a need to sleep which overrides what I like.

      See? I'm ranting about even this, lol. I need to sleep. Night dude.
    17. Pegasi
      OMFG, srsly.

      Pt.... 0 I guess:

      I know dude, I don't deny that for one second. It just seems that standards differ as to what exactly is OK in terms of OT, and my point kinda leads to the fact that if largely everyone isn't happy with the situation (and this is clearly the case with some, voiced most prominently by Creep in the CS thread for example). ...
    18. Pegasi
      Again with the char limit! I need to hassle an Admin about this :P

      Pt. I


      I know this comes down to emotion rather than logic, something I derided just a second ago, but this is because I'd say OT is surplus to requirements in logical terms, thus the only way its continued existence can be justified is if everyone is happy with its existence, thus for their purposes it might as well not exist.

      Surplus to requirements could extend to GC, but a logically appreciable purpose in function of forum played off against downsides works well with GC, whereas OT crosses the line to my mind, the line of having a place where forum-wide principles and rules are allowed to be broken, even if only some. ...
    19. Pegasi
      Pt. II

      ...Basically, logically it shouldn't have to be provided, so the only way it can be justified is if even those who dislike the principle are satisfied that it's not a problem. If everyone is happy then the logical arguments can be tucked under the carpet, but as soon as people aren't happy then the problem becomes real again, and we must return to logic, which equals getting rid of OT in my mind.

      I'm kinda surprised I'm even saying this tbh, since normally I'd take principle over keeping everyone happy any day of the week. But quite frankly this is a passionate topic for some on both sides, so if there were a way to keep everyone happy then I'd be happy to accept it. I just don't see this being the case.
    20. Pegasi
      Pt. I

      As for the neutral thing, I know lol, it's horribly true. As I progressed with the logical reasoning, I formed a pretty definitive opinion on the matter, I guess this is always the case :P.

      As for loving teh OT, I know that one too. I don't love it, but I don't hate it either by any means. If I didn't enjoy a good forum laugh I wouldn't visit /b/ in search of lols, which I most certainly do :P. But this argument has gone too far, become too much of a point of contention to leave it down to emotional feelings on the matter.

      Even aside from my personal views on the matter, I feel that the core point is that it's really down to those who have a vested interest either way, and tbh have the right to decide, that being broadly the Staff. ...
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    Los Angeles
    Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf
    Watching tons of movies, writing, listening to R&B/Motown/Classic Rock


    The Lulz List​

    12:01 am PacMonster1: Thought this was going to be one of those never ending conversations where you act all haughty and ****