Tz, there atm are 9 people that need interviewing in the TG. Id appreciate i alot if i could have the form for the interviewing (if its done) if not you and i need to talk on skype or w/e soon :S
Ohai Tz :o someone is up early... Anyway, what do i have to do for interviewing people? There are atm 4 people in the Join the Guild Thread that needs interviewing.
Like i said to scope, im going to make a introduction video for the testers guild (forum part only) about Joining and/or Getting your Maps Tested.
Haha, I am thinking about "getting" RE5,but I will be scared. Haha, WORK YAY!!! :P I saw where you worked :P Haha whisper... What is your pokemon team Tz? For now its fine, i have to rework all my links in the testers times thread >.<
Also may i edit some things in the How to get your map tested thread? Some thing in there are dated and i wish to clean it up a bit.
Okay cool, and I did not like what I done with it, too simple. Also I presume you are at work, if your on skype and have time lets talk, and if you want we can chat, we canz play Pokemon!