I am now covered in poop. :-) I did, and for the most part I really liked it. Wasn't too pleased at first at how they played Starbuck at the end, but upon thinking about it, her sudden disappearance was more of a metaphor of for Lee's relationship with Kara; a free spirit that remained just out of his reach like the pigeon he chased around the apartment in the flashback. The first half of the show was so awesome, I'll never forget seeing Galactica being rammed down the Cylon's throat. I'm glad that the show didn't end on a lovey-dovey "peace between humans and Cylons", but I felt like there was something missing from the last half of the show. It's more than likely that I just didn't want it to end, lol. What did you think?
Its a website filled with little annoying kids that are very immature and desperate. I rather you not join them.
I don't get your new rule... do you mean that they have to wear our sig? I don't think that's necessary
It has been posted. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/63752-official-sig-shop-union.html#post796183