Ya, i'll do it, but i may not be able to be there for the whole thing, and you will probably need to show me a couple spots on a map. I got Guardian 4 sure, and i will need to know the times, and how long we will be playin. also, can u add me GT: Krootalus
We ran into a problem about the breakout points. I have $2 left on the map and budget-glitched maps will not be accepted into MM.
Make sure to invite me to test, i will be seeign who comes and who don;t so who don't can be punished or something, and ones that come get a star. Thanks -Zanitor GT: Zanitor
hey, sorry about not showing for the test on friday... My internet went out and we had to have a tech from the company come to fix it...
i never said it was awesome, lmfao. just something i wanted to submit, and i dont need it recorded so, its fine