Sorry kid but i had a pretty busy weekend and wasn't home for part of it but i should be back on top of the screenz tomorrow
Underneath someone's avatar, next to their post, you click on the rep button. It looks like this: [IMG]
500 X 200 is the maxium i think .. The sigs i make are always 450 X 125 .. But i guess you should check anyway =]
dude...look top right hand corner, near your thingy for user'll see blogs...just make a new entry there, and you will be able to link pix and all kinds of stuff...i cant do it for you....unless you want it on MY blog, and a link to my blog
I'll be your partner my GT is Bluefudge. Im extremely good at doubles. Send me a FR. I can't accept it cuz my fam settings h8 me but when ur on i can join ur session in progress.
Everyone I need a Partner In Team Doubles, I am looking for some with a good Battle Rifle, or a sniper, Gamertag: "A SouthPark Kid" Rank:" 32. Visit My Group Team Double Partners.
Everyone who is viewing this, my brother is a 49 in doubles and is looking for a partner around there, if your, or a friend is around there post a message on this page, my forgehub profile, or a private message. His Gamertag: "J Gigidy" Rank: 49, aslo view his Service record.
Rofl, Your posts don't mean anything, at all. That number means nothing, I am Premium because I got two maps featured.