Knight Kninja
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Apr 13, 2016 at 11:31 AM
Jan 23, 2008
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Knight Kninja


Senior Member
Knight Kninja was last seen:
Apr 13, 2016
    1. iZumi
      Could I get some cnc from you in my Deep sea thread?
    2. EGP
      Its just a reminder just in case you forgot
    3. EGP
    4. Taco Bell
      Taco Bell
      Ever going to post on LG again. Just wondering, no problem if you don't.
    5. arrrghSAM
      Ahh fair enough, I get what you mean. I used to cnc practically every thread that asked for it, but now I just tend to post in the SoTWs and stuff like that.

      But yeah, I'm more than happy to help plan something out for a project if you like, but something like that would definitely be an idea.
    6. arrrghSAM
      I think your suggestion of all the G&A people on here getting together and doing a big piece is a great idea.
      As Katanga said, maybe a 50x50 square each (Or something along those lines - 50px is fairly small when you think about it) and then we put them all together in a sort of patchwork type thing?
      Oh, and I've missed you being around Knight, a lot of the long time G&Aers have slowly disappeared.
    7. Jpec07
      Yeah, I'm insane, I know. :-p
    8. Miraj
      I just edit my post in your intense logo thread. I added a suggestion, tell me what you think...
    9. Jpec07
      It has been a while, hasn't it? I dunno, I was doing people favors 'cause I got bored one day, but doing those CnCs takes quite a bit of time, especially when you're doing it to every one posted in that thread (I think I did about 20 CnCs in one day once). All things considered, I didn't have the time to keep it up. Do you have one you wanted me to look at?
    10. Miraj
      like was doing good, but now doing bad...
    11. Miraj
      Anyways... do you think my sigs are down-scaling?
    12. Miraj
      With all the pressure legend lied and said it wasn't him who did someone hacked his FOrgeHub Account. So IcedFrapp started making fun of legend that he was lying and all the staff joined in again and started to flame him. I told the staff to stop and discuss as a community what to do to advertise now.. and they kept refusing.I was like, lock this thread and discuss. Then gladiatesmiths says"I will not lock this thread until I find out who did this, Police never let go of a criminal case now do they". and responded "Well fine, go ahead and do what you want to do, if you believe that is productive. PS: Police(Staff) don't have to worry about their Country/Government Collasping(LG). And then Iced Frapp quotes me and says "You are not the authority so stop acting like you are". then I basically just cursed him out and just good luck to LG and left. IcedFrapp=Former Staff who was banned for acting like a jackass.
    13. Miraj
      yeah i know who boxxy is. Anyways, I just ****ing flamed the **** out of them and left. I am so ****ing tired of them. Scott was deciding to shut down LG if it doesn't become more active until the next renewal in august. So I was trying to think of ways to advertise for LG and such.. Then Legend Jedisc posted a thread on here basically crying for members and it is perfectly understandable that he would do so becuase he is still a little kid and they panic when small things like this happen. So he paniced and cried for some members here at forgehub, and everyone here just basically laughed at LG, which lost any chance we had of getting any new members. After reading legend's thread i informed people at LG that this happened, and were trying to figure out who did it (I didn't mention any names). Some kid said it was legend and they all started flaming on him. Including all of staff (scott, gladiatesmiths, etc...).
    14. Miraj
      OMFG, LG is so retarted now. Everyone is so ****ing immature and needs to grow up! Is that why you left? Because, I am about to leave to, they are just getting on my ****ing nerves now.
    15. The Effected
    16. The Effected
      The Effected
      Revolt what?
    17. Playerhata27
    18. The Effected
    19. Taco Bell
      Taco Bell
      cool, i see your still making sigs though
    20. RaBBiiTTT
      does I BlacKOu7 I ring a bell
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