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Sep 20, 2015 at 8:58 PM
Mar 25, 2008
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Ancient, from Oregon

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Conkerkid11 was last seen:
Sep 20, 2015
    1. Phreakie
      i have rrod at the moment -.-"
    2. The Cheat
      The Cheat
      For Backwash, we might be able to find a good enough spot in the darkened part of the map so we get the same feel.

      As for an urban map, we could try Turf or Terminal, but I've already seen a few Turf remakes...
    3. The Cheat
      The Cheat
      I was leaning somewhere between Midship, Terminal, Turf, Sanctuary, or Backwash (if it's even do-able.)
    4. DRiSCOLL
      (The Descent (2005) - Full cast and crew) on IMD (internet movie database) I searched The Descent. I clicked more on cast and crew, go down to "Camera and Electrical Department" Then my father is the 5th one down. Best boy is another word for lead electrition.
    5. DRiSCOLL
      Yes he did, he would bring home props as well, I still have bottles of fake blood and bones. Sadly for the me, it took me at a busy time, so I never got to see the set. Another film that my dad worked on is Doomsday, made by the same Director. The main crawler is a man from Newcastle, and he plays a main role (Sol) in Doomsday. My dad is good friends still with people from that movie, even some of the main girl actors. My father even got to go to the premier.

      To answer your question, hes an electrician and had to do all the lights in the cave. I don't won't to say to much because that will give the films illusion away. Its a great film but not as good when you know how and where it was done.

      Oh and if you have the 2 disc dvd, it goes behind the scenes. My dad is in it a couple of times, I was pretty proud of that.
    6. patt06snipe
      i really dont know how. I guess they just pop up in my head......loll
    8. The Cheat
      The Cheat
      t333|v| up^?

      (team up?)
    9. IDave the Rave
      IDave the Rave
      Oh now apparently you suck **** aswell
    10. Val
      its still going good. Im not sure if ill be doing the contest at the moment because i have tons of assignments to do, work and my first map. Im going to get my first map out the way first though when i get a chance
    11. The Cheat
      The Cheat
      Soz, I herd u nedd a partnerR?!
    12. T4K Shadow
      T4K Shadow
      Can you give me a link please so i can download, why do you get $500 more?
    13. IDave the Rave
      IDave the Rave
      Apparently you, are fat and it is the tag of a map that is in Bungie favourites right now.

      LOL So he is fat
    14. Arvas
      hey, i already have another working on the map with me but you could help us with our map if you wanted... were remaking turf and had to start over so you havent missed anything.
    15. DeathToll77
      Yeah most likely I'll do that
    16. DeathToll77
      I consider zombie my friend, yes. I hope he considers me one.
    17. DeathToll77
      Nomination much appreciated sir. Thank you. Also I should be on mythic soon.
    18. DeathToll77
      I've had the mythic maps for a while now, so yeah
    19. DeathToll77
      LOL if people like it, I tell them to. It's not illegal or anything. Also that map has been in production for months and months it has to be good ;)
    20. penguin asassin
      penguin asassin
      yeah, it was late at night, i failed :( Yeah, obviously i read the post though, I'm going to play an actual game today, so i'll give a review monday.
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