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Feb 5, 2013 at 12:02 PM
Sep 15, 2008
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Ancient, from Dallas

Senior Member
iZumi was last seen:
Feb 5, 2013
    1. thesilencebroken
      cause we're poor and theres millions of bands all out there trying to get the same prize. just gotta catch the right break. :]
    2. FrankFries
      YouTube - Narwhals
    3. Pennywiez
      oh ok mabey you should update that and so then with further ado good by. by the way that last picture was pretty good and good luck,
    4. Pennywiez
      true we are a garage band but we do have experience we have done 2 festival shows and 4 coffee/bar shows so you cant say we have no experience with management.

      also i fail to see how your a junior art director because you look like your 16... nice

      now can we stop arguing and can you please try to make the cover

      oh and the title does not have to relate to the cover at all. a ton of albums have no relation.

      besides it shouldnt be that hard its basically an abstract art cover thats slightly related to the government or economy and has our logo on it. although hey im not that great at photoshop as you can see so i cant really say it shouldnt be that hard
    5. Pennywiez
      what are you talking about and no offence but remember you to me are just a random guy on the internet that can make an album cover for us. also if you want free music you are going to have to work for it because it is not just a 1 hour thing that you can whip up. No this album is going on the shelves when it is finished we already talked to many stores including HMV so we want it to look good so if you dont think were good enough for you than thats fine.

      all i wanted was for you to not put a name in yet and get rid of the truck okay.
    6. Pennywiez
      dont worry about the album name just yet i will give it to you when we know it so just keep the photoshop file without the name and when we find out what it is you can just put it in. btw were recording more next weekend so expect some music coming your way if you do good with the cover
    7. Pennywiez
      really... oh i see it now ok but still we dont like it becuase you know trucks arent enviromental. and hey i like the pic now that i see what it is but still just do what you did before just get rid of the white lines around the logo and get rid of rotten teens were not sure what its going to be called yet.

      thanks and cant wait to see the finished product

      p.s. not a tree hugger
    8. Pennywiez
      what do you mean no more mail box you like using private messages? besides i like this more because then i can view the convorsation
    9. Pennywiez
      oh and one more thing keep everything except rotten teens and the truck because keep in mind were a punk rock band. REMEMBER DELETE THE TRUCK, just replace it with something um a little more political ex. millitary, communism/dictatorships, or something enviromental.

      p.s. not a tree hugger but tryin to stay alive those extra years
    10. Pennywiez
      ok thats sick but can you make our logo a little sharper
    11. Pennywiez
      ok so whats the proposal
    12. Knight Kninja
    13. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      A paint set.
    14. Frag Man
    15. RadiantRain
    16. DC
      Well, its true that the backround aint that nice but i dont really care.
    17. DC
      And that is why? Susan ward is gorgeous.
    18. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      No, I want you to shut the **** up and get out.
    19. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      So now you want to start an argument on whether I think I'm better than you?

      You weren't complaining? Uh-huh. You already stated your "opinion" once. However, you came in here twice "stating" your opinion. And yes, you are complaining.

      "uh, that's what i said. my point was simply that everyone is getting sick of your endless bitching about not having photoshop. i also find it funny how your always first to defend yourself."

      That is definitely complaining.
    20. RadiantRain
      o.o, that's what your dad said about your mom when he was cheating with me...

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