Blue Pariot
Last Activity:
Nov 7, 2010 at 1:54 AM
Jun 22, 2008
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Central Valley - California
Sit at home and play video games

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Blue Pariot

Ancient, from Central Valley - California

Senior Member
Blue Pariot was last seen:
Nov 7, 2010
    1. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      Blue can you send me the Ambush thread surrounded with [/ code] around it.

      So: [code] edit, then copy/paste everything [/ code]
    2. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      Please do. There is no way i can make them look better.
      i am looking for a person that do H3F HALO 3 MOVIE COMPETION i have so great clip but i don't have that kind of skill to make a montage if u can help me find somebody i would be thankful
      my gamertag is
      or just write me bacK
    4. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      The map was "toned down" to fit matchmaking better. Sadly, it never made the cut over at Atlas. I've got some new map builds in the works. They're far different than Gridlocked, but that's the point. I may one day create a successor to Gridlocked, but right now I'm looking towards creating something different, and hopefully better.
    5. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      Yeah thanks. Depending on what scoring system it ends up using, it may be able to work for most, if not all competitive gametypes. I'll have to decide how I want the various areas of the concept arts to be arranged in my map, as well as which aspects of them to use. It's not going to have much, if any destroyed architecture though.
    6. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      OK cool. I only come online on the weekends as well. I have summer school though, so don't expect me online until any time after 1pm PST, or even later, considering homework :sad:.

      Oh, and check my blog sometime if you're ever wondering how my tactical game is progressing. I've completely outlined everything about its development and such, as well as the current status of the gametype and the map. For the gametype, I need to test several different scoring systems, and hopefully I'll find one that actually works other than the Agents scoring system. Then I can make the map around that. I want it to be heavily influenced by the concept art from Halo 3: ODST (also included).
    7. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      I could help if you ever need any. I think I might kind of understand the basics of that ODST thing you're making (<-- that's lolerific!).

      Do you know why Gibber007 is quitting video games and such?
    8. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      How's the Foothills doing? I heard that Gibber007 is quitting video games forever-ish. Will that impact the map's development?
    9. Miraj
      Whoops Double Post... :(
      I hate this laptop, so slow, it made me click twice.
    10. Miraj
    11. PandaMan
      kk thx for gettin bak man
    12. PandaMan
      wanna see for yourself?
      The Clan

      It is a respect based clan, and ya... just read the website...
    13. PandaMan
      yo blue u wanna join my clan?
    14. PandaMan
      yo what did you think about those screens i sent you?
    15. oDannyKellyo
      WOOO Good Game Today With Deathtoll and them. :D
    16. Catmon
      How was lunch?
    17. Catmon
      No, I went to do some work. Then I realized I could use your help.
    18. Gamerguy45
      Okay I guess your right...
    19. Gamerguy45
      You sure because this is one god damn cruel April fool joke. Its not a joke this is sadist torture.
    20. Gamerguy45
      Seems so damn real though...
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  • About

    Central Valley - California
    Sit at home and play video games
    Blue Pariot
    I really dont feel like typing a long bio about me. :)

    playing halo, playing soccer, running track and cross-country, playing airsoft/paintball
