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Feb 5, 2013 at 12:02 PM
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Ancient, from Dallas

Senior Member
iZumi was last seen:
Feb 5, 2013
    1. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      I'm making you regret telling me what to do. In other words, I was mad at you for complaining about my "complaining."
    2. RadiantRain
      Sad Face... I know puberty is a hard thing, but you'll get over it...
    3. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      You know what your third statement was? It had nothing to do with quit complaining. It was "Prove how photoshop was better." Did I say "no" to quit complaining? No, I just gave you an article of which is better. However, you being defensive, started using excuses as to why GIMP is the same. Then I had to;go and prove you wrong. Then all of a sudden you pull back up the "quit complaining" argument again. You're the one who kept changing the subject. Not me.
    4. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Care to reread all your posts? About 20-30% percent of them are actually what you say you mean. The rest have nothing to do with you saying "quit complaining."
    5. RadiantRain
    6. RadiantRain
      Lolz, someone is getting a bit aggressive.
    7. RadiantRain
      I support Frag Man because I choose to, silly billy.
    8. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      I did stop you idiot. How many times do I have to tell you? Also, those comments were SARCASM. Even then, you still pursued desparate to try and correct me.

      And this was over an opinion. You got mad at me for stating mine. This argument wouldn't have started if I didn't say my opinion. Yet, you're acting like you're about to die.

      Yes, you are accusing me. An argument isn't started unless there's an accusation. Accusation, problem, these are both needed to have an argument.

      False story? There is no false story. Everything I've stated, is exactly what you've said yourself. All I did was point it out.

      YOU were the one jumping down my throat. I tried replying nicely, I tried ignoring you, but you PURSUED saying "prove how photoshop is better". Is that asking someone to stop? Baka, get a brain will you. Quit trying to act innocent.
    9. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      One, you don't shut-up either.

      Two, the argument. You were wrong to come in here in the first place. You were wrong to accuse me of an opinion. Which you can't prove wrong. Why? Because it's an opinion.
    10. Icecikle
      wow, I was just going to say that maybe just drop it? guys it doesn't matter cause its a gfx program and your arguing over the internet with a person you've never met. So please just drop it....
    11. RadiantRain
      You're retarted!
    12. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      TacoBell. A user who's retarded himself. And five people in the off-topic just agree.

      Impossible? You shouldn't have come into my profile then. You asked for it. Don't go crying just because you lost.
    13. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Annoying? Aren't you being just as defensive as I? If you weren't, this argument would have ended a long time ago. I tried replying nicely. However, you keep pushing your immaturity in my profile. I give you good logical reasons as to why photoshop is better. Then you use the excuse "That's what I said." Then I said if you already know about it, then why are you asking me. Then you say, "My point is, quit 'bitching' about photoshop. Everyone's (I) really sick of it." You don't see them coming into my profile, yelling at me for my opinion. I don't think there is anyone there to back up your complaint.

      And I responded to Hotpokka's comment, POLITELY. Hotpokka was insulting every artist there by saying that. I didn't give a rude post in someone's profile saying "Quit complaining." I just said my point, and left.
    14. Taco Bell
      Taco Bell
      Fraggy is so dumb. You even said I am not going to ***** and moan about it.
    15. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Wait, let's go back here.

      "could you please stop cursing photoshop in every cnc thread you post in? all photoshop does is make something that may take 5 steps in gimp 1 step in photoshop. it's the user; not the program. and i'm defending anything, I use gimp as well"

      This was said six days ago +time of this post. Now, six hours ago +time of this post, you say this;

      "gimp is a ripped photoshop CS. the only thing they've done with the new versions over time is make things more and more accessable and convenient. so instead of complaining, tell me something in photoshop CS4 that you can't possibly get the outcome of in gimp."

      I already tried to ignore you, and I let it go once. However, even though between the time posts of those two posts I didn't complain about it. Why am I being defensive? So you can quit coming at me complaining like your mother died. "You made fun of photoshop, please, stop it, stop it." Seriously, is this what you're trying to portray yourself as?
    16. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Everyone? Or just you? Please, don't include everyone in your bitchy statements complaining about how you don't like what I said. And learn how to detect sarcasm, because every time I said that in there was to get someone to say "lol" or "haha" in attempt to play along with the sadistic joke. However, you being as repugnant as you are, refused to realize this.

      And IF that's what you've already said, then you already know why Photoshop is more effecient than GIMP. So please, I'll quit talking about photoshop, if you quit bitching like a three year old.
    17. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Immature? You're the one who came in here, TWICE, yelling at me for saying photoshop is better than GIMP. How is that not immature?

      Also, photoshop is twice as effecient. The smudging is different. Topaz. Plenty of variety of brushes. Plenty more effects. Gets the job done well, and not cheaply. Every thing that GIMP has, is perfected by photoshop. Gimp is nothing but a cheap imitation.
    18. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Ooo, I'm scared. That's what, twenty percent of what's there?
    19. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      You used like five effects in there. Photoshop has 100+
    20. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Yea, and you still sucked back then. Did you even get to use photoshop to it's fullest?
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