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Sep 20, 2015 at 8:58 PM
Mar 25, 2008
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Ancient, from Oregon

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Conkerkid11 was last seen:
Sep 20, 2015
    1. Zanitor
    2. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      nevermind me. just stuff
    3. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      lulz someone has a short fuse here.
    4. The Cheat
      The Cheat
      Regardless of what Darksoulll may still be saying, I don't actually think your Castle Crashers map is bad. For some reason, he's under the impression that I'm standing up for him or something.

      His posts were spam, and his reasons for disliking the map at first were not justifiable.

      Personally, I like the whole premise, and the map looks to be one of the best original game variant/map variants since Pennyless.

      I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet, but it is the first on my list of maps to download once I can.

      Sorry if I seemed like a ****, and looked like I was trying to start trouble, but I wasn't. I was merely trying to advise you keep a level head when dealing with noobs.

      ~The Cheat~
    5. penguin asassin
      penguin asassin
      Ever heard of first impressions? Ask him nicely to redo his review, explain that's an old version. He seemed to care about your map. he'll probably oblige I was wondering if i could add you to my friends, I only have 4 people who have sandbox, you obviously seem to know a lot.
    6. penguin asassin
      penguin asassin
      I spent like 15 minutes on that post. Carefully reading everything you wrote not to make a fool of myself like I did on Sahara Dream. Yet i failed because i missed the small tag, witch besides the pictures, is the only thing forgenubs look at. *sigh* I think i'm going to go and slit my wrists now..... I killed the super post btw, can you atleast move it to minigames? Just so my post wasn't totally in vain?
    7. penguin asassin
      penguin asassin
      I'm not sure how to copy quotes from other threads, let alone a small part of it. so Here's just the copy and paste of it.

      Castle Crashers may be labeled as a Conquest map, but don't let that confuse you or anything. This is not a traditional conquest map. It is not symmetrical, and it uses two things that traditional conquest maps are ussualy unable to use; vehicles, and equipment. Some of the weapons you will also find odd to be put in a Conquest map. But think of this as a one-sided, vehicle, Conquest map. If you think differently of the map, and deny the fact that it is a Conquest map. Then I can simply just edit this post, and change the prefix to Sandbox.
    8. penguin asassin
      penguin asassin
      just looked back, I'm sorry i epic failed. Didn't you originaly have it classified as one? oh well im deleting the super post now :(
    9. penguin asassin
      penguin asassin
      touche, but I read in the post that they were closely related, besides battle rifle & assault rifle starts, and now i realize, the round #. Don't you have it classified under a conquest map though?
    10. FryTheSly
      dude did you even read The Cheats comment?
      i read your post
      i read almost every god dam word
    11. Bottlecap
      You need not flame those who agitate you in your map thread. Most of us always have at least one or two that blindly assume things and make comments, but tis better to ignore them entirely. No need to respond to any post unless it was a positive one, or if defending you or your map, do it in a non derogatory manner. K?
    12. FryTheSly
      wait so giving you advice is being an asshole?
    13. Running Chron
    14. C0RRUPTl0N
      Doubt it, the only one that has a shot is Cold fusion, but who knows.. I'm cooking something up on sandbox that looks amazing. I really sacrificed so much to make Cold FUsion though, I really hope it still has a chance.
    15. C0RRUPTl0N
      Looks good, and really smart posting on a sunday night, but so many viewers are just looking at you pics and not downloading, I know how agrivating that can be. I gave it four stars, and the great mark on your poll.. I hope it does well. C.
    16. Zanitor
      I could not come my dad fell down and he got hurt, I am sorry if there will be another test for this I am there, so sorry man.
    17. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      im ready to test sir
    18. Zanitor
    19. Zanitor
      Hey if you do not fill up tonight, Friziter might want to come.
    20. Zanitor
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