An archaic one. THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. Have you seen your replies in the evolution debate? You can't seriously be that stupid.
true, So i gotta go to bed, i got practive a 5am. mehh I will work on it after school tomorrow, gnight good sir.
Hmmm, just "Signature Battle". Idunno :P i can try and throw together a banner, but what should be in it?
I have an idea for brackets. Just a large text, stating their name, and pictures of lines. So we can easily manipulate the names. And im decent with banners, lol.
Im in! Kinda like march madness or something? With brackets, like this: [IMG] I dont know why the lines didnt show up, mehhh :|
yeah, two and a half hours in detention. But, at least I skipped a math test...TG! So did you fake sick or what?