just thought it might interest ya ;)
What's up? I've been meaning to ask you if you plan on finishing Ignition in Foundry. I'm just curious to see where that map is going, since I know that's what you originally planned it for.
Haha bro I know what you mean, I kept telling that one guy to shut upa nd chill, cause he said he was getting caught on walls everywhere, that's because he can't ****ing play, I still find it hilarious they think I can do such a better job and they can't even forge worth a ****.
inorite? I just wanted to be helpful ;) Just if you ever need a test invite me and I am there, but some people in that test was stupid, saying "What is this map?" "MLG whats that" I was all face palmed.
Hey,I have been playing your maps all night,well,earlier tonight, with all my friends and they are perfection. They are just so great, I would think Bungie made them if i didn't know better. Well, great job man,hope they make it
I think those will get in matchmaking, and you keep where you got double kill on me with
I'll be around all week, probably forging my own project with Zanitor, so if you need us, send invites. I like how I was the first one to die in the video over at mlgpro, as I ran around still thinking this was MLG Amplified being tested for something, and you messed up the gametype with AR starts lol
Thanks for the games on your Atlas maps earlier, a couple spawn fixes and you've got an easy ride into matchmaking.
I may be able too reach you here before on XBL, do you think you may would like me to help you with your site, or we could kinda merge sites, in ways, I will explain more when we talk on XBL again.