Indie Anthias
Last Activity:
Apr 22, 2022 at 5:30 PM
Jan 5, 2008
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govt. resource abuser, anthropology student

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Indie Anthias

Unabash'd Rubbernecker, from Texas

Senior Member
Indie Anthias was last seen:
Apr 22, 2022
    1. squidhands
      Yeah it is. My cousin's up there going to vet school and she originally graduated from UT. Personally I can't really relate to the hardcore school love. But I'm weird like that. College towns are all the same to me; ridiculously hot girls whenever you turn your head.
    2. squidhands
      Thanks, man! Wish you could too. How's life in College Station?
    3. Black C4t
      Black C4t
      ntm just listening to music.
    4. Black C4t
      Black C4t
      Yo! its St4plgun wassupppp
    5. joeyshofe
      hey mark i get my xbox back in a week
    6. Indie Anthias
      Indie Anthias
      Yes, I'm well, all things considered. I left Galveston but I'm not sure when I'll be able to go back. The university I'm attending down there will be holding classes elsewhere until we can go back, so it should all work out for the best. Many thanks for the concern, man!!
    7. Pegasi
      I just heard how bad it was in Galveston, you ok man?
    8. Bottlecap
      ha......ha.......*continues weeping*
    9. Bottlecap
      Err you were hoping I'd see that jokingly or seriously? And lulz it gots deleted. And btw, do loyalz rep power increase?
    10. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      I though it was a good idea to let people come and go because it kept the party alive and interesting. I also liked how we tried lots of different maps. If I had a capture card i would make a video but i dont think i can.

      The main reason i asked was because I wanted to try and get more people to try my map. Its fun once you start playing but i just need more people to notice. Maybe next TGIF we could play it a couple times with lot of people

      (same message as the one i just added on my visitor messages)
    11. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Do you know if they are going to do a video recap of the last TGIF?

      -our party was pretty good but next time we should figure out how to have more people and get everything organized
    12. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      How dare you!

      *Goes to collect screenshots*
    13. Knight Kninja
    14. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      well the most i remember is just being an active poster in deepmokey paw's signatures shop.. i saw you around the forums as well.. idk why but i seem to remember you pretty well
    15. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      well nice to see you again.. do you remember me from the old days with deepmonkeypaw? haha
    16. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      how long have you been back???
    17. Indie Anthias
      Indie Anthias
      Hell yeah, I'm a Person Who Would Like To Be Brightly Colored Inanimate Objects
    18. TrueDarkFusion
      Colorific much?
    19. joeyshofe
      i sent you a friend request on myspace
    20. joeyshofe
      whats up man its abomina
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  • About

    govt. resource abuser, anthropology student
    Indie Anthias
    I operate on a theatrical cosmology.


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