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yay! i had red fr a long time cuz since i joined, i kinda spamed cuz i didnt no it could get u an infraction nd stuff like tht lol, thx!!
Bastard! How dare you! Just kidding, it's your opinion, I don't mind. Are there any ways you think I can improve it to help the "wow" factor? I'd like to try and make this as great a map as possible, and your suggestions are appreciated!
i was in the mlg party for tgif, and i was inspired to make a brand new mlg map, that brought together the best parts of some of the most popular mlg maps out i was wondering. 1 will anyone help me make a mlg map to surpass the rest, and 2. what are your favorite parts in mlg maps. this can be whatever you like. if you want to help please leave your gt in the response, thanks