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Feb 15, 2009
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Apr 9, 1992 (Age: 32)

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Ancient, from Jersey

Senior Member
iRaynne was last seen:
Jul 25, 2013
    1. Pegasi
      Sweet, should be a good weekend, but I think you might be right about the extra pound or two...

      I saw that thread actually, still trying to come to a decision as to who I think will win tbh, the one I'm most keen to see is SQ vs. The New Order. I'm personally thinking SQ will take it as a continuation of the steamrolling they've been doing up till now, but I guess we'll see.

      I'm actually going to be running a series of threads during the event, one per day basically breaking down what happened in my eyes, getting all the results up there and putting out some thoughts about the next day's matches. It would be great to run it in tandem with your overall discussion thread if you're up for it. Would be good to draw people into the MLG Discussion sub-forum a bit more, kinda gets bogged down underneath Halo Discussion and the mammoth of the Sandbox Discussion thread.
    2. ShreddedDreamz
      About the post for my map to be tested, sorry man the last time i checked before running the tests only 2 people replied so they were the only ones i invited. if you are still interested, pm me and im sure i could get a few more peoples together. Id love for some more opinions.
    3. Pegasi
      Oh no, I'm not going to it. I wish! I live in England, lol. I'm just gonna spend the entire weekend watching the stream, gonna be some epic matches. I'm gonna be bothered to trek to the US one day and go to an event :P

      Night dude.
    4. Pegasi
      Lol, I like to think I do. When I'm up at Uni like now things always seem to get in the way, but I'm online sometimes, it's worth hitting me up if you're ever down for some games. But once I'm back in London (not this weekend, but the one after, just in time for Meadowlands!), I'll be on the customs track a lot more.
    5. Pegasi
      No problem dude, hate to see a well intentioned guy get an infraction over stuff like that.
    6. Pegasi
      Hey dude, thought I should let you know that your sig is too large. Either the TG image or the Halo 3 stats image is fine, but both together goes over the 200 pixel total image height maximum for sigs.
    7. Insane54
      Actually, post em in a new thread in Screenshots, the old thread was locked D:.
    8. Zanitor
      What you mean?
    9. Zanitor
    10. Zanitor
      I made signatures for the guild like 2 or the days before you, and your trying to show me up?
    11. Zanitor
      Point of showing up the signatures I made for Testers guild?
    12. stickmanmeyhem
    13. stickmanmeyhem
      If i knew how to add reputation, I would, and by the way as of like 1:00 PM today, I'm in the testers guild also!
    14. ForgeGod117
      sorry about all those bad reviews on your map thread. If anybody says something that is insulting, or unfair about your map then just report them for bad review. Only constructive criticism should be welcome. looking forward to your next map.
    15. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      Check the guild's master list. Any of the staff of the guild could help you out. ;)
    16. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      Sorry, I don't really do that kind of thing... =\
    17. Pegasi
      Oh, and I forgot to say: good luck with the TRC interview. If what I've seen of you on the forums so far is anything to go by, you'll be a shoe in.
    18. Pegasi
      Oh, I just got what you meant, lol. No, I'm afraid I'm not an interviewer. I'd just seen you around the forums now and again and noticed you as a newer member who was trying to do some good and showed a very healthy, friendly attitude. When I saw your application to be in the TRC then it backed this up alot.

      You seem to be holding a good attitude towards FH right from the start, and I wanted to show you that one person at least has noticed it. Keep it up man, you seem like a cool guy. If you ever want to drop into some customs or party up for whatever reason, please go ahead and drop me an FR, my GT is Pegasi Delta, same as over here. Hope to see you around the forums man.
    19. On The Flip Side
      On The Flip Side
      whats ur gt on there thou