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Dec 23, 2012 at 4:29 AM
Dec 29, 2008
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Ancient, from chicago IL.

Senior Member
C0RRUPTl0N was last seen:
Dec 23, 2012
    1. LIGHTSOUT225
      i thnk you've spammed enough for one night. remember, post count means nothing. it wont help you get loyal, wont make people like you, and no matter how many new little rank images you get, it means nothing in life. come back and spam another day, but lay off for tonight
    2. ElLiS iZ bK
      ElLiS iZ bK
      How bout now i think its better than b4
    3. ElLiS iZ bK
      ElLiS iZ bK
      My map you commented on idk why it didnt work the first time but i reedited it. should work right now
    4. Conkerkid11
      Left a commend. Really dude, I don' have any negative comments this time! Darn it!
    5. Val
      Muhahahahahah, my sandbox creation is so original i dont think even bungie could have come up with it
    6. thesilencebroken
      well, thanks for checking it out. Ill give your map a play through tomorrow and leave some feedback when i find time.
    7. thesilencebroken
      i shall check it out. i assume it was you who sent a chat invite earlier. i rarely ever have free time when im on the xbox cause im usually doing something particular when i get on, so dont take it personal if i dont respond to invites.
    8. chrstphrbrnnn
      will do once I get some better games, and solid thoughts.
    9. chrstphrbrnnn
      I did, it was fairly small. You are a great forger, and you can create very clean and unique surfaces, but overall they don't flush out too well for gameplay. The map wasn't terrible by any means, but it was very cramped, even for 2v2. I'm going to get a few other peoples opinions, see if I can give you more solid feedback on improving gameplay. I'd like to see you move from floating avalanche though. I think with more items/space, you could make a really good map.
    10. Conkerkid11
      Nice, clean floors, beautiful aesthetics, and the underground area is wonderful! I will make sure to get a post on that map thread before it dies out! But at the moment, my family wants to go bowling!
    11. Val
      It looks cool, ill give it a download first before i comment. It looks lke you,ve used several of the ideas i wanted to use in landing pad but didnt have the budget. Mainly the shield door box things and tunnel underneath which i really wanted to do.
    12. Limeyy
      nice, alot cleaner now
    13. Limeyy
      working on the avatar, and there might be a way to change up the map, it would just take some time. if anything, edit the map and just re-edit the download link with the weapon changes, and do a v2 with more changes later, because i think they might just **** bricks if you do it then. also, alot of people are going to be sick with sandbox because of the flooding of maps, so once that happens, a v2 release would probably get a better kick off then
    14. C0RRUPTl0N
      Whoops I wrote on my own wall..haha.
    15. C0RRUPTl0N
      Actually I had a really good idea for the way to get up to the snipe, but its impossible, do you think they will get pist off if I post a V2 with only weapon changes cuz the map is fine and theres not to much I can do with it with out taking stuff apart and you know that would suck. but if i post at a better time I'll get alot more attention. dont you think.
    16. Limeyy
      i havent heard too much from spartan, and no one in the clan really knows me except you and spartan :(
    17. Limeyy
      Remove the trip mine, it doesnt work to well from what i tried, and neither does the needler, and CHANGE (not add) the weapons, a plasma rifle in the middle would probably smooth gameplay, remove the ar's and smg's and replace them for better usage, this would require alot more testing (too many duals would remove the point and use of grenades). Remove the plasma doors in the middle. Add ramps to get up to the snipe. These are all just suggestions though, but since the map is technically done, most of these changes would take about 5 minutes tops.
    18. Limeyy
      and as for suggestions, replace the box pillars: 3361986962_8fded48521_o.jpg picture by englishlime - Photobucket
      with bridge pillars: DefendersBase-1.png picture by englishlime - Photobucket
      to increase movement.
      decrease the number of grenades, too many of them right now and the base's are still a nade zone. as for the nade zones themselves, add shelfs all the way around for people to not only spawn on but give them a chance. so people dont jump ontop/ hit the death barrier, cover the basses with the remaining sniper perches or boxes, the lifts are still possible to get over.
    19. Limeyy
      yep, just working on layouts and ideas, need to find some inspiration. gonna do a small 2v2 symmetrical map first, see how that goes before i work on my other layouts
    20. Limeyy
      and also, been finding some inspirations for a new map project im working on, i have atleast 300 pieces of paper with a design of individual bases, full maps, and ideas on them. And I also found a few good reads that you might like to take into consideration, they helped me rethink alot of the maps i drawn out:
      Methods and Theory On Asymmetrical Maps - MLG Forums
      A comprehensive and collaborative guide to map design - by forgers, for forgers - MLG Forums
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  • About

    chicago IL.
    I am 25 years old and love to play halo. I was anthlete in college and highschool, so I'm making up my nerd time. I like to make and create full maps inside the actual maps to give the sense of a whole new level.

    Springboard Diving, Playing Guitar, Partying, and Halo!


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