I can redo if needed: color: http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa107/1337marth/imcolor.png no color: http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa107/1337marth/imnocolor.png Sorry if not good
I don't want to work on it until I know what you want exactly, because I do not want to mess it up ;)
Hey, I need an interview for the Testers Guild... just send me a message with a time thats good for you and I'll be on... Umm, can it be on Saturday or sunday though If possible?
Hey I seen that comment Whisper made about the Skype thing and i just wanted to let you know that i have it
Hey Transaction, I just made an application on the FHTG application page and saw your post. I am ready for an interview whenever. My GT is iRaynne; I'm gonna be on tonight from about 5PM -10PM EST if you want to contact me there. Thanks man! N1lly
Guild Leaders: Insane54 [GUILD MASTER] - Signature [IMG] chrstphrbrnnn - Signature [IMG] TransactionZero - Signature [IMG] Vorpal Saint - Signature Like so :S
if we have skype then could i make a post for a list of people with skype accounts? if not whisper could add it to the master list :S
chris likes anal lolololol well paulie says he might get sir toppum hat to do it, but i dont care who does it. its due the 20th, tho
wow Tz thankz for making that post too, i did the same things and looked to see if he posted a thread D: stole my moment!