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Feb 13, 2018 at 7:54 AM
Nov 25, 2008
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Legendary, from Fall Amy, Fly

Forge Critic Senior Member
RightSideTheory was last seen:
Feb 13, 2018
    1. Shatakai
      Yeah, it was something I said when me and LOCK were playing Mercenaries mode. It gets intense and we were so worried we were gonna die because there were two majinis with RPGs and I was so calm and just said "Dude, don't worry, I got like 4 green herbs." lol

      I think he even put what he said before that in his sig.
    2. Security
    3. Shatakai
      How does the acoustic version sound?
    4. Shatakai
      Is it pretty simple? Sounds like just a bunch of chord changes as far as I can tell. Except for the solo that is.
    5. Shatakai
      There isn't really much variety to the way you can play that. There are set notes and that person is playing all the notes correctly, it just doesn't sound the same on a piano because it's just not meant for that instrument.

      Maybe I'll just learn to play it on guitar instead. Probably loads easier and will sound better too.
    6. Shatakai
      Looks pretty tough, mainly just because of the speed.

      I'll give it a shot, and see how fun it is to play, and if it's boring or just too frustrating I won't waste my time.

      Also, it's not the best sounding cover.
    7. Shatakai
      Um, I'm not sure who has it. TheYavimayan I think?

      It's just the part of the song where he says "And my flippy floppies" and waves around a pair of flip flops. It's in "I'm On A Boat"
    8. Shatakai
      I know what you mean. I only played about 30 mins of RE4, and that's it. I had like no idea of the whole plot because I didn't know half the characters or either corporation.

      It's a good thing they put in so many unlockables, I will probably play through the game a few times to get most of them. Then maybe I will understand more.
    9. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Not sure as of yet. If it was done, the user would be created from scratch and have a name similar to what you suspected - something that describes the entire forge hub mod team.
    10. Shatakai
      I just beat it about an hour ago, so it was on my mind.

      How you liking it? Or have you had much time to play it?
    11. Shatakai
      Were you the one who said you were picking up RE5? In the PPC?
    12. Shatakai
      Why waste money on a diamond piano? I'm saving up for a boat, so I can be on it and do flips and ****.
    13. Shatakai
      I can't take a video. Everytime I play it on my piano the piano explodes after a few notes from the hilarity and awesomeness, and I'm running out of money for spare pianos.
    14. Shatakai
      No, the only recommendation I got was the Zelda Theme, which I'm not to keen on learning.

      Well, that and I'm On a Boat, but I obviously already know how to play that ;P
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      apparently...I can...
    16. SargeantSarcasm
      the rain makes it fail. it looks better as a stagnant image

      and im a mod, not an admin. i lack those powers.
    17. SargeantSarcasm
    18. EpicFishFingers
      Nah, he's not that harsh. I've only had like 4 previous infractions, all one-pointers except one other 2-pointer for "illegal content". I'm not usually a prick, I just get caught up in it all :)

      It was a sick picture though. What kind of porn is that?
    19. EpicFishFingers
      I just read your suggestion... too late. Infracted now. 2 points...
    20. Mallet
      "Oh, and they are actually listening to me in the site update thread O_o Weird, I know."

      rightsidetheory r feel unappreciated? :(

      I love you guy you are cool member +rep \o
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