AnF Knight
Last Activity:
Mar 29, 2010 at 4:28 PM
Dec 11, 2008
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AnF Knight

Ancient, from Canada

Senior Member
AnF Knight was last seen:
Mar 29, 2010
    1. AnF Knight
      AnF Knight
      You should shut the f up
    2. ShaddoBlade
      HA. But yeah. You should make another real racetrack instead of those silly hascar tracks. =p
    3. AnF Knight
      AnF Knight
    4. ShaddoBlade
      I do not recall being best buds lol, but I got banned because my xbox was modded. I have a legit box, now. So we can become friends, again. :)
    5. Wolverine
      Hey AnF, how would I go about joining the AnF clan?
    6. trainboy
      what happen to HASCAR practice tonight?
    7. oO SLiK Oo
      oO SLiK Oo
      Hello were you been, You been send messages to all your friends saying how great it is.Thats what i didnt like and yea i post comments like that alot becuase all those people just see the map and comment but dont play it.
    8. oO SLiK Oo
      oO SLiK Oo
      I worked my ass off 4 months on a slayer map and it got no attention, And check how that is,you got attention on that map.I worked more than 90 hours on my slayer map and no one cared about it because the mmp.Check how that feels.
    9. oO SLiK Oo
      oO SLiK Oo
      WTF dude i said no offence, i gave it an onnest review and you took it up the ass.And im a ****, When have you looked in the mirror, my maps arnt perfect and i no but you made it seem like your track is the best track alive.Im i then one with multible accounts bumping my own maps on forge hub, No.I was cool with you and you think im a **** because i rated it low.What im a sapose to rate your maps good just so you can try to be featured.Every map is no perfect but everytime you get a low comment it goes right up your ass with no lube.Im not a **** because of that.And i hate to tell you that every thinks your map is shitty.It has a amazing layout but not forged good.Hello forge hub is for reviews and i gave you my review.So stop putting that **** in ass.And its damn video game.Its not like your damn life depends on.
    10. AnF Knight
      AnF Knight
      Thats stupid just because people cant drive you have to put teleporters
    11. SargeantSarcasm
      ah I see...

      well it was REALLY smooth, but one of the qualms I kept hearing in staff was that race maps need to have instant death/respawn or an easy way of returning back onto the track

      neither of which your map allowed

      still an awesome track, its just that which keeps it from being featureable IMO

      anywho, im leaving the site, so if you still wanna talk about it, DL Skype, find me (name is the same)

      adios dude, and goodluck.
    12. SargeantSarcasm
      your race map looks epic, but i've a question

      why didn't you use the skybox?
    13. AnF Knight
      AnF Knight
      Lmfao sonic!!! Post some comments on mine and Ryans tracks.
    14. AnF Sonic
      AnF Sonic
      Yes I like Cheese!
    15. AnF Knight
      AnF Knight
      I like cheese. does anybody else like cheese?
    16. RK The Beast
    17. AnF Knight
      AnF Knight
      Ryan are you gonna race in HASCAR tonight?
    18. RK The Beast
      RK The Beast
      Yah im in graphics class right now, with a headache ommmgg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    19. RK The Beast
      RK The Beast
      dude stopp replying on your page, click my name and reply on my page, cause idk that you sent something to me lol
    20. AnF Knight
      AnF Knight
      LOL soooory
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  • About

    Home Page:
    AnF Knight
    I am AnF Knight, I make HALO 3 racetracks that are what I think very good. Feel welcome to send me a friend request on Xbox and I will do my best to accept. Enjoy my tracks and have a nice day.

