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May 30, 2009 at 4:18 PM
Mar 10, 2009
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sigifredo0926 was last seen:
May 30, 2009
    1. FrankFries
      because i dont want to violate any rules because i had posted it before getting the answer from original author whether i could post the remake or not and it had been a week and he hadnt replied so i posted it but i gave him full credit to the map and everything but he said it wasnt ok for me to post it yesterday so i would like it removed please
    2. SargeantSarcasm
      good call.

    3. SargeantSarcasm
      why do you want your thread deleted?
    4. Pegasi
      Hiya, welcome to Forge Hub first off. I hope you enjoy your time as much as possible, and find it a useful and enjoyable resource.

      I noticed the map you posted Betwissive v2, and was wondering whether you got the original author's permission before modifying and reposting his map. Fixing niggles and improving based on comments is something I can identify with wanting to do, but we try to foster a friendly and cooperative environment here on FH. As stated in the rules (you can find these on the top tab right under the FH site banner, and we kindly ask all members to read them carefully before diving in to the forums so they know exactly what is and isn't ok on the site), posting another persons map (albeit modified to some extent) requires the permission of the original author, since posting someone else's map without permission technically counts as Map Theft (something that we take very seriously).
    5. Pegasi
      *Ahhhh, the character limit on visitor messages cut me off again! This always happens to me, but I digress...*

      Again, I can appreciate your sentiment here, and no one is accusing you of any malicious action. But I just wanted to make sure you were clear on the rules and that this map post abides by them so that you don't start off on a bad note for unintentional rule breaking.
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