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Apr 23, 2008
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Jan 2, 1986 (Age: 39)
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Rochester, NY

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Jill Sandwich, Male, from Rochester, NY

Senior Member
thesilencebroken was last seen:
Feb 21, 2023
    1. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      so im guessing absentimental is sort of like a smaller project, because i couldnt see the passion in your post nor did i hear all the "hubbabalu" about it, like usual
    2. Playerhata27
      I've never really been subdued by the series, for I was probably a year old. But, from what I hear the demo and the actual game are almost two separate games. Thanks for illuminating it, and I'll definitely consider it being a birthday present.
    3. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      Anyways, I'm off to bed. Night John.
    4. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      I wont. My friend just got it too, so I'll be co-op'ing with him most likely tomorrow.

      All I'll tell you is, I so called the person behind the mask. lol.
    5. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      Well, actually, I had this name way before I knew Vice. (two years before, back in 05) --So :P!

      Sweet to hear, I just got my, "**** you up no matter what" magnum. :D
    6. ToochieHxC
      aaaaaall up in yo face
    7. Tex
      google/youtube WMM tutorials. It's really easy to learn.
    8. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      Alrighty. See ya then.
    9. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      I kinda had to though. Even though it sucked getting bit, I would have regretted seeing at least one of my dogs die. Weird thing is they're just over a foot tall. Damn small dogs...

      Anyways you back from last minute shopping?
    10. Tex
      What are you running on?

      If you have an XP or older, you should have WMM.
    11. Tex
      I could show you a really easy way to do that, just use Windows Movie Maker, or get Sony Vegas.
    12. Krazy Kumquat
      Krazy Kumquat
      Well, Steel Trap is going to be based on Foundry. It's going to feature some newly developed switches that help lend toward the competitive style of gameplay. The Most noticeable being a constantly changing floor. I'd elaborate, but I don't want any passersby stealing my idea. It's sort of based around the linearly nonlinear style of gameplay on Sand Trap (without the vehicles). Cantilever type structures will be a main theme of the map. Click here for picture of cantilever. Really planning it out to be a versatile map. Planned to support all gameplay from multi-team to multi-flag. Now that I think about it, it's like across between The Pit and Sand Trap.

      I'm also designing a minigame inspired by Mario Kart's shine runners. If your familiar with the game, I'd really like some help naming it. Right now all I have is Skull Polo...
    13. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      Mehh, I can only use on hand at the moment. My dogs got in a fight and my hand is bleeding like a mofo. I'll catch you later. It's still gonna be hard to use the controls on a controller but I'll manage.

    14. chrstphrbrnnn
      lol adam west :)
    15. chrstphrbrnnn
      lol fairly odd parents is on my cousin is watching it
    16. chrstphrbrnnn
      The wall will either be part of the map (Ie in the middle, sorta turfish) or along the laser boundry.
    17. CHUCK
      hey man, you should check out my map concept ive been working on :D
    18. chrstphrbrnnn
      Not a full wall, and that's why im stuck
    19. chrstphrbrnnn
      think of the outer ring of headlong, with the rooms and buildings up high
    20. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      Mehh... At least you'll be getting teh monies...