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Sep 12, 2011 at 5:54 PM
Mar 8, 2008
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Professional School Skipper

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Ancient, from U.S. of A.

Senior Member
evan12075 was last seen:
Sep 12, 2011
    1. Adelyss
      Sick minded freak..just plain sick. lol
    2. Adelyss
      Good because I bout tweaked on him. I PMed Thescilence but he didn't respond =[
    3. Adelyss
      I'm look at it now thanks
    4. DeathToll77
      nah either that or FEATURE NAO
    5. FrankFries
      If you can survive this you wont die a virgin
      YouTube - Fred Goes Swimming
    6. EGP
      Because the blues are out of the playoffs? lol
    7. MichMaster32
      Check out my map industrial site. i just came out with it and i would appreciate your feedback on it. just leave a comment on the bottom of my map thread.
    8. Adelyss
      Uhh yeah? I was the first contest only premium...plus I don't know what else to have it as
    9. Adelyss
      Umm Idk no admin has been on i don't think..probably tomorrow sometime.
    10. Adelyss
      I know Blood said they would be up today..and Bloodfires on FH right now..so hopefully..and its not really maroon...its more of a brown blah I personally felt Maroon looks so much more sexy but either way.

      Edit Hes creating an announcement thread as we speak actually lol

      Double Edit its up lol
    11. WREX
      lol thats ok. Yeah i loved octo's map then last night i came across that other map and i was like WTF?
    12. SargeantSarcasm
    13. Ladnil
      Hey, I don't know how long ago that complaint about the tester's guild only showing up for colored members is from, but we've recruited a lot more members now. I'm not saying people don't show up more for more popular members, I'm saying that even accounting for that you have a good shot at getting a game going now that the guild is more populated.

      Before I joined, I was able to get some 4v4 going for an hour on my map, and I got some pretty solid feedback. The key is to post some enticing pictures and to make sure the time slot is one where people will be online. So try it out for your future maps, and good luck to you.
    14. DRiSCOLL
      Thanks for testing, I was about to post my map in the book of conquest, But I see you beat me to the Punch, Thanks again.
    15. PulseKiller
      Thanks. I worked pretty hard on it
    16. Adelyss
      Maybe another half hour or so...maybe shorter or longer
    17. Adelyss
      Changing some things etc...:) About to most likely add what I was working on adding
    18. HLG FlashPoint
      HLG FlashPoint
      oh hai I see you on xbox live sometimes btw why do you always send me invites. Testing guild?
    19. GladiateSmiths
    20. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      I can't say much since:

      A) Teams were unfair
      B) One of my teammates was dicking around

      (B was the main reason I left, the game was giving me a headache and I couldn't stand it anymore)

      But I think the sniper should be removed... the pillars at the starting points should be gone and the spawns should all face the way to go. Reduce the clip in the brute shot and maybe make areas for the cap wider/longer... I think it should be set afterwards.
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    U.S. of A.
    Professional School Skipper
    drumming, hockey, video games.

