BunN eeE
Last Activity:
Jul 28, 2012 at 11:39 PM
Jul 2, 2008
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BunN eeE

Ancient, from coolin

Senior Member
BunN eeE was last seen:
Jul 28, 2012
    1. DoTTii
      aight i will. Actually i dont have my gold (ran out 2 days ago and havent got to buying a card) but with my silver and bungie pro i can put it up on my fileshare and you can check the map out. The only thing really concerning me is how I'm gonna work out a successful spawn system on it but after doing that on Inspacious i think i can do it
    2. Psycho
      Oh no you didn't!
    3. DoTTii
      Of course yaro. Dude is it just me or is it so ****ing hard to forge on sandbox, most notably the sky bubble. I got a nice map going up there but it is just so hard to make everything work smoothly with my multi-level style and those damned moving walls
    4. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      hey man, do you want to help me out in swat, I got a 45 but can not find a good team for a 50, can you help me out.
    5. Psycho
    6. Psycho
      I'm uploading your 1v1 right now. Sorry it took so long lol. Got any more?
    7. DoTTii
      Well, got my mic finally. We need to do some sandbox forging sometime dude
    8. DoTTii
      got a nasty killtrocity in an Octagon 1v1 earlier today =)
    9. xx dark kard xx
      xx dark kard xx
      Hey, I saw your post on free mlg lessons and i looked at the different levels, i have determined i am about an intermediate, please send me an email or add me on xbl to tell me if and when i will have a lesson, thanks and continue helping others master Halo 3's mlg.
      (my xbl gamertag is xx dark kard xx)
    10. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Hey man,I am very good at halo and have been playing for a very long time, and i seen your thread that you have about lessons, and I was wondering if you needed any help with the lessons, like if you haveto many to do, i could possibly give the lessons when you don't have time
    11. Sirant
      The March SG(Screenshot Game) will be March 27 10 P.M. The Map will be on Avalanche. and anyone can join if you are going to join post a message on the group page say atleast "Yes, I can go." or "No, I can't go." I hope someone can make it this time.
    12. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      I got a 49 account. Its in doubles. I created 3 days ago so lol. Do you know anyone who is insanely good that will be my partner to boost me up?
    13. DoTTii
      i heard, i was playing some madden w/ my bro wen i got the message. I could get one too but i just dont have a team to play w/. Btw- i was doing pretty good earlier for not playing ANY games in like 2 weeks before that. It wasnt a srs game but i was still happy w/ it
    14. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      This is Bunny Borg right?

      When can you find time to boost? I just want a 50. I want to go on later tomorrow around 4:30 EST but I want to be on all Saturday to get a 50 right then and there.

      I don't care which playlist. You choose. I am a 21 in TS and a 19 in doubles. I have never lost a game in any other playlist so on Saturday get a bunch of people and we'll play whichever playlist you want.

      I have a good BR and you and 2 other people could boost me up to a 50 (or close to one) in MLG. Whichever is easiest for you.
    15. DoTTii
      the only thing i need from you is how to be a better slayer as my slaying skills are bad in general. Objective wise i think i'm pretty good.
      But dude i had the most fail moment on the way back home from a date w/ my g/f. ill pm it to you
    16. DoTTii
      lol yeah cuz i definitely need your lessons,
      i got the smarts just lacking a br and snipe basically.
      plus no matter what i always find my self doing the dirty-dirty work ya know

      oh btw- SQ and FB keep trading off series in the LAN.
      SQ has two series, both won 7-4
      FB has two series, both won 6-5
    17. DoTTii
      G/F > Halo,
      ill try to get you some pics soon BK
      btw- was the MLG 45 on Borg or the reg one?
    18. FKxEngage
      Hey Bunny, unlucky on the RROD, but i was wondering if i could get some lessons once you get back! I can give you some Halo Wars lessons in return if ya like, i'm pretty darn good at strategy!
    19. DoTTii
      i can only hope /sarcasm
    20. DoTTii
      got a new g/f now i hooked up with a couple weeks ago, trying to find out if shes a slow-goer or not
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    i might be back on h3 for a while
