Furious D 18
Last Activity:
Jan 22, 2015 at 2:51 PM
Dec 21, 2007
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Furious D 18


Senior Member
Furious D 18 was last seen:
Jan 22, 2015
    1. LIGHTSOUT225
      lol g04 it was pink at the time.
    2. halo kid
      halo kid
      how long haz u been retired
    3. Devinish
      Yeah, thanks for signing us up. D squared sounds good to me.
    4. Nitrous
      Why is everyone blaming me, for you being warned?
    5. G043R
      I thought black would seem a bit emo..but I wouldn't know... I just see the purple in every one...
    6. LIGHTSOUT225
      ooh we both have new colorz lol.. mine looks like poop kinda, but yours is girly :P
    7. Mortarion
      Why are you warned =[?
    8. squidhands
      Evil is surely winning if you are warned. *Draws sword and stands in front of you*
    9. Linubidix
      Warned? You?
    10. sexy dude
      sexy dude
      why what happend to you, you were my role modle lol now i am going to be bad lol
    11. NeverlessWonder
      WTH is wrong with FH lately? This is madness!!
      Staff is getting out of control around here...
      I didn't deserve this.
    12. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Silly Nitrous, tricks are for kids!

      Sorry you got warned for speaking your mind, dude.
    13. Tex
      "You must spread rep around before giving it to Furious D 18 again.


      Great post man. I especially liked how you mentioned "Noone is above the system."

      Very true.
    14. LIGHTSOUT225
      good points, posts like that definitely shouldnt be discouraged. i didnt look at it that way. consider it done
    15. dented_drum
      The most recent of my maps is Regency. You can check that one out, if you'd like =]
    16. dented_drum
      Comment is there, bro. If I get another infraction, I'll just live with it ha. Hope you enjoy.
    17. dented_drum
      The game is starting as I type =]

      I'm not concerned about the one I have, only about getting another one. I understand the offense, and I'll just wait it out. However, I'm not too crazy about pushin' it with another post ha. If you don't think I'll get another, though, I'll post it in your thread.
    18. dented_drum
      Tell ya what, I've got a few friends on now. They're all pretty stoked about playing some MatchMaking, but we'll play a game on it, and I can let you know from there.

      Wait, do you think I'll get another infraction if I reply to the thread again? I got one for necro-posting haha.
    19. dented_drum
      I've completed the review for your map, Duality. Thanks for the request, and I hope you like your review!
    20. Pegasi
      Yeh I just listened to it, I'm not sure if its a good or bad thing that when people think of me they see a wall of text.
      Oh, and the British counter-revolution is coming, beware!
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    "I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I had been born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it."-Mark Twain