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Feb 13, 2018 at 7:54 AM
Nov 25, 2008
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Legendary, from Fall Amy, Fly

Forge Critic Senior Member
RightSideTheory was last seen:
Feb 13, 2018
    1. EpicFishFingers
    2. Conkerkid11
      I can stop if you want me to.
    3. Bloo Jay
    4. ForgeGod117
      874 x 225 if you may :)
    5. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      GTFO. Hawt Girls FTW
    6. Bloo Jay
    7. Bloo Jay
    8. KB
      idk some post awhile back... but w/e's. no one will take it seriously
    9. Hari
      No, no its jerk win.
    10. KB
      no. u.

      I don't feel like wasting my time. Its just obvious in the ways you talk to/about her
    11. KB
      yeahh actually it is...
    12. KB
      ughhh... are you seriously gonna make me find the post...
    13. KB
      inorite? y is u copyin mah wurds?
    14. Hari
      I dont even know what render im talking about tbh. Im just being a jerk.
    15. Hari
      Ugly render is ugly.
    16. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      If you think it is.

      I mean the pictures have a lot of data about them. You didn't even thoroughly search them for clues.
    17. RightSideTheory
    18. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      One, you think you do. A lot of people claim my gamertag is Roni66701. And the one person on my friends list who does know what it actually is, claims I'm completely different online than on the site.

      Two, it's important because you can't always keep a level head, and I proved myself right by proving you wrong. He was put into a situation that he's never been in before. I'm sure he would be scared to make a move. Just like I used to be like when I play my brother one on one in anything. I'm too scared to make a move, because my loss is on the line, and all I had to do was withdraw one piece to keep from losing. In the shark fight, his life was on the line. He didn't know what to do, except don't die. So that most likely meant to him "kill the shark."

      Three, no you only glanced at them. You didn't analyse them, you skipped through them. If you analyzed them you would've gotten a better grip of the situation.
    19. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      First, lies. Stop making excuses. Believe it or not, I could be the guy in your friend-list, but it's probably better for to think I'm not.

      I'm friends with ten people here on forgehub, and they don't even know it's me that's on their friend list. Don't make excuses as to why you suck at a game.

      Let's dump you into a tank of a shark, and see how last you long. First, who says he didn't lose grip? Second, most of the time he was probably dodging the attacks of when the shark kept trying to lunge at him. Third, nothing goes as planned. If he turned his back for one second, the shark would know it. Plus, you haven't even looked at the pictures of the shark attack.
    20. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      The point is you don't. You're only a level 35, with 352 EXP points. You've played 634 matchmade games. So technically, you've only played well on half of them. If you've kept a level head all the time, I can gaurantee that you'd have played well 70% of those games. So no, you don't keep a level head at all times, and neither do you stop and think.

      Now that guy is thinking "kill shark, kill shark" because that's the only way he's thought of getting set free. However, he never thought of a different possibility. He was concentrating too hard on killing the shark to think of another way.
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