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Nov 11, 2014 at 2:00 AM
Apr 30, 2008
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Mar 22, 1994 (Age: 30)
You're mommy?

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Ancient, from You're mommy?

Senior Member
ZANDER1994 was last seen:
Nov 11, 2014
    1. Whisper
    2. Catmon
      Today I played SHWATguns on Elegy with my party, man, it was great!
      If you haven't tried it already, do so. (Shwatguns is swat with shotguns only)
    3. Rubber Duck
      Rubber Duck
      I apologise i had no idea. thank you for the heads up.
      I kinda had a gimmicky kinda thing going..
      ill go back and edit most of my posts.
    4. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      There was a problem with the servers, I don't know the exact details, but I'm glad everything is fixed now.
    5. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Oh, you had posted in a map thead sharing posting advice.
    6. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      Hey man. How are you holding up?
    7. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Next time just PM that kind of message to a person, I've been talking with him myself about improvements though PMs. It causes less clutter on the map forum and its much more personal and helpful.
    8. RightSideTheory
      Used to be Scar3 cr0w.

      Changed my name back when I hit 500 posts or something.
    9. MichMaster32
      im new and lately everyone has been cracking down on me for doing that kind of stuff. i didn't get it at first. but i think i got it now. sorry
    10. MichMaster32
      sorry man. didnt see it
    11. stin10
    12. ForgeGod117
      If you want to do the stop animation effect then just do it except better. I might be able to help depending on when you do this.
    13. wiggums
      yeah i did... linky?
    14. wiggums
      lol he keeps pasting his sig into his posts, instead of having his sig automatically do it for him
    15. wiggums
      lol the guy posted a visitor message on his page like 4 times...

      but thats not the half of it, check this out:

      > Me:do you post the pics everytime you post something?
      > It looks like your sig is just a picture you pasted in there.

      toofgib:what do you mean

      ME: What im saying is....
      > When you finish a simple post, do you paste your signature images into the post?

      >Toofgib: ya so does everybody else except that when I post about somebodys map I have actually downloaded it and played a game on it so you will notice there way longer than mostly everybody elses most of the time
    16. wiggums
      ic. sounds cool.... lol look at this page, and see if you can find anything..... mysterious.. lol its really funny. just gotta look....
      Forge Hub Halo Forums - View Profile: Toofgib
    17. wiggums
      nothin, just working on planning a contest :p U?
    18. chromebandit
    19. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      That actually reminds me of back when I made SpaceAge. I used to talk to Bl00d F1r3 all the time and he was considered one of the best forgers becasue of his new premium rank.

      His constructive critisism made me want to just scrap the map in total. I remeber how frustrated I was then and I am sorry for making you feel that way now. I didn't intend too just as Bl00d F1r3 didn't either.

      Forgive me. Thanks.
    20. BunN eeE
      BunN eeE
      I don't think so. I can't remember that.
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    Mar 22, 1994 (Age: 30)
    You're mommy?


    I believe the correct term is "pooned".

    I often times speak without thinking. If you feel my post is derogatory please PM me.