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Dec 2, 2009 at 6:52 PM
Oct 23, 2008
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Ancient, from Sea-Town, bin behind starbucks

Senior Member
urk was last seen:
Dec 2, 2009
    1. SargeantSarcasm
      Your QA bit at the end of the update was hilarious.
    2. Zanitor
      Don't you love all the messages saying they love your work n00bs, I love you...I mean *cough* lol But thank for being one person who actually reply to my messages on bungie.net :P
    3. urk
      Eh, just busy. On the Forge thing, I've heard of it. There aren't any plans for any more title updates, so I don't think you'll see it addressed. As far as I am aware, the solution is to reset the object and save again. Not ideal, but it should do the trick.
    4. SargeantSarcasm
      wherefore art thou been Urk the ::pre-deleted::?
    5. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      I wanted to say how much I love you and your work. Bungie just wouldn't be the same with out you. Also about Adelyss comment, are you aware of the problem?

      I was just curious. Any way I am a huge fan.
    6. Adelyss
      Hey Urk...does Bungie have any plans at all to patch Sandbox..(Not sure if its all of Mythic Maps) or if you guys are yet unaware of this problem but basically. Lets say I spawn a double wall...set it down..then save the game and end...When I reload the game back up the wall will have tilted roughly around 2 degrees to the left or right. Now this is quite annoying when we get this new amazing forging map that we would of never guessed to get but with this slight problem along with a one where if you use the original objects on the map (Like a Wedge) set it to start at no and then start a new round the wedge will still stay on the map for around 20-30 seconds before it decides to start at no and disappear, but with this slight problem it rather makes most forgers annoyed or mad at sandbox.

      So I would just like you to mention this to who ever needs it mentioned to if bungie already doesn't know..So thanks Urk :)
    7. PandaMan
      just asking, but why are you called urk here and on b.net

      is it like a random thing like mine or does it have a backstory?
    8. urk
      It's like rai-ee-ain.
    9. thesilencebroken
      Guess what urk, you were my 117th friend.

    10. urk
      Yeah, it was brought to my attention and we yanked it. I knew it wasn't happening in real time, but since it's occurring backwards, and it seems some of the maps aren't theirs, it seems silly to send people their way to view. Hell, I could do that. ;)
    11. ForgeGod117
      you would be right, the video on the front page of bungie.net is just taking the map apart. You can't interlock by just forcing the objects together. I don't know whether you were sure or not, or even if you care, but it is!
    12. IX ParamouR XI
      IX ParamouR XI
      Hey Urk, don't want to bug you or anything, but i was wondering something...

      On the Mythic maps, why do the skulls take like 7 or 8 hits to kill someone?

      I was just curious, i don't need an answer, but of course, i'd prefer one, thanks
    13. MNM1245
      Hey Urk I am just wondering...Do you work on the games at Bungie or just sorta spin on your chair and every once in a while update the Bungie Blog?
    14. Resix
      Yo urk whats crackin
    15. T4K Shadow
      T4K Shadow
      I sent you a FR, doesnt matter if you dont accept it

      Thanks for making me happy around two weeks ago, when you sent me a PM on Bungie.net, i was very grateful :)
    16. urk
    17. Zanitor
      hey this is Zanitor that mssged you on bungie, but I got a code off ebay for 54$ >.>
      I am trying to get more...lol
      But I am on Insanes f/l if you wanna play sometime bro.
    18. urk
      Yeah, you can just claim them. No need to PM.
    19. Hazza
      On subject for the codes, you know there's all those clues and riddles and such on Bungie.net, if you find one, you can just type it in and redeem it right? Or shall we tell Bungie? Not quite sure lol.

      I don't want to PM anyone because of the risk of banning lol ;P
      Cool, what you're doing with them anyhow.
      Thanks anyway.

      EDIT: No worries I know know.
    20. Mace
      I can has more urk-sauce on mah steak?
      wow that sounds.... wierd....
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