Master Debayter
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May 6, 2018 at 6:58 PM
Jun 19, 2008
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Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)
University of Florida

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Master Debayter

Ancient, from University of Florida

Senior Member
Master Debayter was last seen:
May 6, 2018
    1. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      We should meet tomorrow for another forge session. Basically anytime is fine but send me a message first because something might have come up.

      -I tweaked a few things and now we just need to get the seconf floor window positions. Once that is done I can fill in all the walls and the floor.
    2. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      I've worked on the map a bit more... I am lowering all the bridges in the windows to allow for more visibility and I also added in the fence walls. At the moment I am working on making the second floor wall out of double boxes and wall corners. I will post pictures tomorrow and share the map with you
    3. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Nice job with Bleach Arena v3. I never played the map but it looks really fun.

      We should get going on the **** Zombie map now that you have live. I won't be travelling much spring break due to two-a-day crew practices and so I can work on it if you are busy. You also mentioned that you have a friend that got you into bungie favorites. Maybe if our map turns out well then he could help us get it there as well.
    4. Mastar
      Grats on Bungie faves ^_^
    5. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      I posted more pictures of the aesthetics im working on in the **** zombie thread...
    6. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      I would like to know your ideas for this. Thank you.
    7. d4rkdemon
      hey could you show me how far you are on the **** zombie map i would love to help at the moast but could you at least show me
    8. xFr1ct10nx
      thx for the critism on my map i really appreciate it. :)
    9. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      I guess we will just have to share the map sometime during the week. By the way how far have you gone
    10. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Some people on your **** Zombie thread are pretty interested in the project. I was wondering if you think we should release a couple pictures or something.
    11. MAP MAKER
      Hey dude, i would reli like to be a part of the **** Zombies design stages and definatly testing =P ive had a few ideas on access to different rooms etc and the tunnel.

      Im also thinking you may need the glitch for cash as your gonna need everthing the maps got, when i get my xbox back ill send you a freind invite if thats cool!

      Cheers dude
    12. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Well I heard that you were having problems with the money limit and wanted to help out. it would be a shame to have to lose the top floor.
    13. TripleO8
    14. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      I came up with some basic ideas for the other parts of your map and posted them in the thread to bring it back to the front page.
    15. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Check your **** Zombie Thread

      -I have something that might be of great interest to you...
    16. Awkward Silence
      Awkward Silence
      So I'm guessing it wasn't you then. Never mind. :)
    17. Awkward Silence
      Awkward Silence
      Hey, I know I don't know you, but I was just watching Betrayal Montage that was on Bnet's front page, and I saw someone with the GT MasterDBator pop up with a funny betrayal. Was that you? If so, awesome. If not, umm.... well this isn't awkward....
    18. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      I have now posted Half-Cab v2. See it here.
    19. GladiateSmiths
      Did you see my other post on your thread?
    20. GladiateSmiths
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  • About

    Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)
    University of Florida
    Master Debaytes
    My name is Jacob. I'm a Mechanical Engineering Student at the University of Florida working towards a BSE. In my free time at the university, I play xbox. My favorites are Call of Duty, Gears of War, and of course the Halo series. I took a big break from forging with the release of Halo Reach because I hated the new forging system, but now that Halo 4 is out I'm willing to give it another try.

    Sleeping, Sketching, Xbox 360, Hanging with friends, Girls (how obvious)