Rubber Duck
Last Activity:
Apr 25, 2009 at 2:09 PM
Mar 7, 2009
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Rubber Duck


Senior Member
Rubber Duck was last seen:
Apr 25, 2009
    1. MichMaster32
      Check out my map industrial site. i just came out with it and i would appreciate your feedback on it. just leave a comment on the bottom of my map thread.
    2. Playerhata27
      Lol, well I don't view statuses regularly, but it's your free utility, do what you want :).
    3. Playerhata27
      Lol, well I'm not an avid status changer. I'm actually listening to Ne-yo, I shall change it.
    4. Playerhata27
      We've all gotten infractions, don't let it get to you. I've been infraction free since November, but I've received many in my time here. Necro-posting is reviving a thread that's over 4 weeks old, or certain criteria for certain boards. Read the bottom of the rules page to view the threshold for each board, but it's all around relatively 4 weeks, except Featured Halo Maps, for all the threads are conventional.
    5. makisupa007
      I've never actually had one. Did you make it? Was it as good as it looks?
    6. De Wy El Ay En
      De Wy El Ay En
      mine is dead memories and I like killers are quiet, confessions, people : ****, wait & bleed. I like all their songs
    7. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      kitsune is japanese for fox
    8. Knight Kninja
    9. Azrius
      I've found through experience that unless a webforum is a considerably tightly-knit community-and usually a rather small one, at that-they're often one of the worst places to go if you're feeling down and looking for a compassionate ear- everybody's a comedian. And counsellors are nothing to be afraid of-most of them actually care enough to do their job properly.
    10. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      Forgehub now right?
      I'm adding people for funss :)
    11. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      LOL okay then xD
    12. Playerhata27
      Alright, man. See ya.
    13. Playerhata27
      That is actually true. To be honest, the debate forum does not perpetually differ someones opinion, even if it is coming from a highly respected lawyer. Still, occasionally you can have a casual, sufficient debate, that settles both sides.
    14. Playerhata27
      Exactly. When you have the time, visit the debate forum. Some members have great proposals and such, and it really is an excellent place to express something you feel strong for.
    15. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      Yo yo yo i'm good how are you?
    16. Playerhata27
      The community is more of a creative outlet. I'm able to collaborate to the fullest extent. I could talk like this on XBL, but it diminishes socializing, and turns it into a speech.
    17. Playerhata27
      Post count doesn't mean anything in integrity terms.
    18. Playerhata27
      Hey, I see you've made your ways around the site already. Glad to notice that.
    19. ZANDER1994
      Hey dude, I see that you are new here and saw two posts of yours that had the same problem. Do not write in different colors. Write in black. There are multiple skins of this website that you can choose from the lower left hand corner. The text you are typing is not readable in Oldschool mode.
    20. coyoteboy1023
      im not Wiggums, he just asked me to post that
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  • About

    The only Oasis
    It had been the year 2000 when I started my rubber duck collection. But it wasn't till I picked up a copy of Halo 2 at my local GameStop when I realised that this was my calling.
    But with Halo 2 I always felt as if something was missing. But when i first entered forge on Halo 3 my life changed, and i decided to become...

    Track & Field, Halo 3