Yo, you've still got that shaolin temple theme map, which you posted on the WAYWO a while ago, but never finished it (my guess)?
Not the Grifball temple, I suppose. From the picture it looked like a roughly built 1v1/2v2 map. You still got that picture? :) It looked great.
Oh yeah, haha, dude you can go ahead and take that map if you want. I haven't played in a long time and I don't think I'll be getting back on anytime soon. It'd be awesome to see something done with it. I'll PM you the link!
Sounds good I'll get a crew together and add you tonight... hopefully I'm not too busy with the site...
Greetings good sir... I was just referred to your map Intertwined... and I must say that it really looks like it has some great potential... would you like to join myself and some XF members to playtest this sometime? I would love to play it, however it is hard for me to download maps due to HD space...