.... Way too harsh. You could have at least said something more positive and constructive... :/
Hey, I finished your signature request in the Warfang Graphics Shop. Just pick it up and confirm that you got it in the thread. Thanks!
Im hasing to much busyiness on my hands, with a side of mispelling, so I forgot to rate you, Im soz! Here ya go 8/10, cause I kno you, but were not fwiends. Oh and I thought this was pretty funny. Its like saying, "Whats the Internet?" Linky
just trying to help him out. And besides i gave him info about how i got it. If you would like me to edit the post i will
Well it is 2 am where I am right now, I really should'nt be up. Because of our times it looks like the weekend is out best bet.
I'll post it when I get a chance. Vice is creating some neat panoramas for me, so im gonna wait til hes done.
Dont worry. It will be done in good time. I have a ridiculous amount of requests to get through and i am in the middle of a sig shop conversion to a new one. In case you are interested, i do the sigs based on the order in which they are posted.
I will PM you your sig upon its completion. The gallery is the collection of sigs i have made for people on the first post of the thread.